Even tho i knew everything the ps3 offers and reviews from many websites, i never thought it would be better than i expected and well it is much better that my expectations.
I have to say that when first got the 360 i was amaized by the whole thing and when the PS3 was going to come out i thought that it wouldnt be as good but when i got it a week ago and things like HOME is comming soon and visual display of motorstorm i think that PS3 will be on tob and even better then 360
I m a little dissapointed because of the sony s press conference 2005 there everything looked so unlike any other for example killzone and eventually motorstorm - it s not the same but we will wait and will see .Oy i forgot the joypad WHITHOUT vibration!
A lot better then i thought, in fact amazing. Ive all ways been a nintendo fan and only decided the morning of ps3 release to go get one (luckily for me they didnt sell out) and im more then amazed. I new the games would look good but its the smoothness and little differences that effect game play that have impressed me the most. Like the way the large enemies on Resistance move around the screen, its just so realistic and original, it adds more to the over all game play then a new controller.
Im a fan so far, and judging from whats coming this year (Home, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk, Killzone 2, Ratchet and clank, etc), I'm gonna be a bigger fan too... The PSN service is starting to be really good...
Seems ok so far need to see if the online support will be anygood! Plus at the mo theres not a single game out on it that i would buy the console for. But given time that will change so far so good.
I'm very happy with the PS3 from a hardware standpoint, it's a very powerful console with allot of great features. I'm just waiting for a game that really takes advantage of the PS3, all these multi platform ports wont even make the PS3 break a sweat and that's whats so disappointing about games going multiplatform. We need a game that's built specifically to take advantage of the PS3 hardware.
For me it better than i thought, plus i have to say it felt familiar in some way like coming home to a safe place. Plus it has been reliable so far( had it since launch, not like the other console for me that had to be replaced twice ). It has been just as satifying as my ps1, ps2. I've also had both xbox's also, but for me there is just something about it like i said before comfortable.
I expected more. It's more expensive than a 360 so I thought the games would look and play better. Right now, that isn't the case. They over-hyped it at E3 05 and now it's coming back around to haunt them.
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