just reading this
Quote:Originally Posted by TRega123Although you didn't provide a real link, you are correct. Every optical drive starts with CLV or constant linear velocity drives and then progresses to CAV or constant angular velocity.
CLV is good at reading data in adjacent sectors, however when data is scattered all over the disk (as is the case with games) there is a whole lot of slowdown due to poor seek times. CAV does not have this problem.
Both the sega CD and the PSP had CLV drives, and they have both demonstrated poor loading times. The good news is, PS3 games won't be on blu ray. They will be on DVD, just like xbox 360 games. They will not be on blu ray because of the poor seek times from the CLV blu ray drive.
I got this from a user from GameSpot (yes I know), is this really case with Blu-ray Drives and do you think games for the PlayStation 3 won't use Blu-ray Discs?
I know this may or may not be a stupid discussion, but can someone please answer this.
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