1. dont run everywhere. when you run, you show up on the radar.
2. keep and eye on the radar, look for the red dots, they're the enem. if you see one comming around a corner just wait and try to get the jump on em from behind.
3. aim for the head. if you start shooting first and lose, it means you were getting body shots and they were getting head shots.
4. be on the move constantly, the kill cam will show where you were when you killed the opponent and the first thing on their mind will be revenge.
5. if you cant use the wraith properly, the bullseye is the best short range weapon, but piss poor medium ranged accuracy. but the carbine is a well balanced weapon for short/medium range, plus the secondary fire is a 40mm which is a one hit kill.
6. melee from behind=one hit kill(most of the time)
7. set the sensitivity to your liking, most of the better people have it around 80% but thats too much for someonewho sucks. start lower then work your way up as you get more comfy
8. i personally dont trust the grenades, they never blow up early enough, they aren't guaranteed to kill and they're and long animation to throw. if you want to use em, use em from far away.
9. dont be intimidated by a high ranking guy on the other team. high rank just means they play alot. it's not a measurment of skill. i've seen alot of privates own generals.
10. dont get angry. at first my k/d was like .3 when i was around 1000 kills. it sucked bad. but now i have 3800 kills and 2700 deaths.1.65 k/d ratio(ranked). you'll et better with time.
11. get some practice in unranked matches. ranked matchs are retarded. people in there are damn good by comparison. but going into unranked will give you some practice will aiming at least.
12. dont be a camping sniper in a game with me. one of my favoritve things to do in skirmish is walk up behind snipers and melee them.and since they're usually the crappy players they always head right back to the same spot. easy kills.
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