EVERY single game-related website/ magazine compares an action game to GoW. I mean i can understand to point. But this game got the boot because it 'copied' GoW. Any game with a guy fighting big bosses and extreme bad-as$ moves is now compares to GoW because it was so great. Welll i say we compare any shooting game to say...Socom? CoD? Unreal Tournament? ( when Unreal was good)This game blows because you have guns and shoot the enemy in Team Deathmatch! I give it a 2.5 because it took the guns of Socom and it's 3rd person ! It's a sad sad sight when games not called GoW are getting rated because they don't do wat GoW 3 does. I pre-ordered GoW 3 and loved the first 2. I'm saying stop shafting games because there's another game in the same genre.
Sorry....it just really irritates me lately- Darksiders and Dante's were nothing but- GoW wanna be's who sucked? Both solid games.
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