Some people know that toys r us is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale 10/11 to 10/17. Great news for us gamers as I love this deal and used it every time they have it.
Just so you know.. yes people wanting borderlands or RAC.. you can buy a "filler" game. Meaning out of the 3 you buy, get one.. don't open it and exchange it for another game within the normal return policy window, even if it wasn't released during the sale week. I have done this in the past to great success.
Word to the wise though, make clear the "return policy" with your local Toys R Us store as I have heard some stores won't exchange without all three. In these instances it seems that it is the game that is marked free. So your best bet is to actually tell the employee what game you want free. (pick the game you know you wont want to exchange.. ie Uncharted 2)
Sorry Canadians, this sale is US only btw.
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