Hey guys
I just need some more active gamer for my PSN friendlist since I've only got two or so are online regularly. If you want to play with a German guy please give your PSN ID or if you want you can simply have mine. It's "ehrbaer". I need more people to play LBP and R2 with :P
I hope I get some response :/
PS: Please don't close this thread since I don't have the time to filter all these pages in the PSN ID sharing thread. That's just too much :(
Edit: Folks from Europe or something nearer than the USA would be cool because it's **** to have your whole friendlist playing while you sleep :P
Mod edit - If we allow this thread to stay open then we'll be forced to allow all other threads like this to stay open too, try adding your your ID to the end of the sticky and see what happens.
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