This game is really shaping up to be a must have game, month away from release and they have voice-overs in the trailer, that's so cool. The game camera has changed from that Re4 style the shown earlier to a camera style of the original game (ps1) and this does seem for the best. It looking great..... I cant wait till this fall to get my hands of this game.
This game is really shaping up to be a must have game, month away from release and they have voice-overs in the trailer, that's so cool. The game camera has changed from that Re4 style the shown earlier to a camera style of the original game (ps1) and this does seem for the best. It looking great..... I cant wait till this fall to get my hands of this game.B-bad
i kno! i think this game is going to most def. be a must have game when it comes out! this game reminds me alot of the first two silent hill's, and thats a REALLY good thing to me, cuz they were my fav. games in the series!  ......theres some thing wrong with these psp forums, nobody comes around anymore, i was expecting to get alot more feedback on these clips..but w/e
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