GDC is coming up soon and last year Sony had a good show (mainly with Home and Little Big Planet). Now What do think you'll see this year.
- More Home-hopefully info on trophies and more surprises. Also an open beta the following week would be Nice.
- Final release dates for games like Killzone 2, The Agency and MGS4
- A movie, TV, and music download service. Like whats on Live and iTunes.
- A redesigned Playstation store
- Team ICO's new game, hopefully a trailer.
- New PSP bundles and colors. Maybe Red with GOW:COO, and Blue with FFVII
- Also I want Guitar Hero I and II to be released on the PS3 (disc or PSN)
- PS3 greatest hits for $30. (Resistance, Motorstorm, and a few others to be first)
- A new game that uses the PSEye in a cool way
- NEW GAMES. Of course I really want more games so hopefully they have some surprises. Both first party and some third party exlusives. Also more "real" games to be realeased on PSN, like Warhawk.
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