Altering a piece of hardware that you purchased should not be punishable at all. Let alone by a prison sentence. It's not like he was stealing straight from the company. Or hacking their servers and costing them money. Him, and the Hotz guy, were hacking a piece of hardware that they paid for and OWN. The fact that Sony is giving them this much trouble for that is ridiculous. What about the millions of people that own a PSP for the sole purpose of Homebrew? I'm all for punishing the guy if it is strictly over the blackmailing and all that nonsense. But Hotz didn't blackmail them and they went after him pretty hard. Sony should be worrying about the security of their PSN and catching those that brought it down. Not about people homebrewing their console.ACx7
Uh. Hotz DID basically blackmail the company, by threatening to release the keys if they didn't give him a job. But let's take a step further.
I want a chunk of Yellow Cake uranium.
I just like having it. I'm never going to make a bomb. It's just a conversation piece, that's what I bought it for. I tinker. It's my hobby. Openheimer? Who's That? He unlocked the what? He figured out how to WHAT? Nooooo... That's not at ALL my personal intention. I'm not in it for that.
What do you mean, "If someone ELSE gets their hands on it..."? It's MINE. I BOUGHT it. But it's not for making a bomb. I promise.
Yellow Cake uranium is nothing on it's own. It doesn't automatically cause a reaction on it's own. Sure there are people like Kim jong Il in the world, but I won't let HIM have it... What's that? MISSILES AT JAPAN? Oh, you're foolin' around. No one fires missiles at other countries with warheads on 'em... That would take an individual with absolutely no moral compass whatsoever, and I don't know anyone like that...
... What's that, now? The Internet is FULL of people like that?
Well then, I promise, I'll never put up information THERE on how to weaponize Yellow Cake uranium. How's that?
Knowledge is Power. And to quote Openheimer when the Atom got out of the bag, "We're All Sons of ****, Now." He knew what he had released on the world in unlocking what he did.
Now - Video game consoles are NOT life & death. I know this.
But - Cheating, stealing, lawless behavior. That's what the online gaming community for the PS3 is now MIRED in thanks to Hotz and his ilk. So claiming innocence is a moot point, after the fact. The information is out there, in the hands of some fairly nefarious folks in some cases, and because SOME will use the information in a bad way, it's a bad thing for the information to be available AT ALL.
Sony doesn't want it's tech played with. Why is that so hard for anyone to understand? My guess is, because they've never created a thing in their lives, and had it stolen or misused. But Openheimer did. And now (since the 1940s), we all live in it's shadow. Wondering when the next idiot with his finger on a button will change all of our lives forever. For financial gain, or maybe just for a laugh.
Yes, you own your console. Yes, you can do what you like. But the minute you involve OTHER PEOPLE, it's an imposition at the very least, and most likely if it is not a desired involvement, it can be construed as a CRIME. I don't give a rat's fat *** about what the individual does, per-se, but certain numbers of those individuals aren't to be trusted and we KNOW this, so please stop wrapping yourself or others in a flag and claiming it infringes on your right as owner of the console. They're people out there (in the worst cases, of course - Not ALL) who are like Kim Jong Il, and for whatever reason, they just want to watch the world burn.
Releasing knowledge which these people have developed, into the Internet for any person regardless of pedigree to use as THEY would like to, is like urinating into the wind, it's gonna blow back on you in a bad way. And that's what this tool did.
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