sony says exclusives dont matter ... they are so wrong. so wrong.

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#1 thenycest1_b_basic
Member since 2002 • 592 Posts

1. the only reason ps3 gained some momentum this june was because of?

MEtal gear solid 4 exclusivity

2. I see why they dont WANT to buyout timed exclusives as they assume 'xxx' amount of people will still buy ps3 to play that game even if it goes multiplat or 'xxx' amount of ps3s will still be sold regardless if its exclusive.

ex. even if final fantasy 13 goes to xbox360... 2-4 million copies of it will def be sold on ps3, because a big portion of the 15 mil owners will want to own it and the latter dont care much

so lets say its exclusive to sonys platform and they gained it for say 1 year... it sells say 3 mil... okay great, they sold extra... 500,000 copies to 1 mil , awesome, square reaps the benefits, but it could reap more by making it muliplat... on say 360 and make a potential 1-2 million more units had it stayed as a ps3 exclusive instead. But on sonys end they dont reap much except trying to recover the buyout costsby selling more units... and because their system is priced higher, buying out exclusives isn't a very smart thing to do.


exlusive to ps3: sells 3 mil

nonexclusive to ps3: still sells 2-3 mil

xbox360: sells 2-3 mil

square wins

sony wins

microsfot wins

most importantly gamers win

and square will go home with a bigger pocket of cash to make mroe games for US gamers around the world

so lets say sony spend 5-20 million to lock down and exclusive... imagine how much units they have to sell to recover their losses, so in a way i see why they have this 'we dont care much about exclusives' stance. but in reality, locking down a few will retain interest of gamers to want this system... if every system has the same games, nobody will buy the more expensive one, why should u? same game on a cheaper system, it would be dumb to buy a more expensive system to play it.

just like theres two coffee stores... if they taste the same, offer the same stuff, but ones more expensive, which will u go to? obviously the cheaper one.



pros -

a. keeps gamers interested in the console, spiking up demand.

proof: look at monster hunter 2 that came out for japan, thats the best example of how much an exclusive can push a platform. THe psp sold so well it beat wii / ds consecutively on a weekly basis for months straight.

b. diffenitiates yourself from competition

exclusives scream 'im different, im better (hopefully), i got something they dont have, come here! buy me!'

like... comon, if all music players were ipods, there would be no choice, no taste, cuz they all look the same. consumers will just go buy cheaper ones. Without exclusives you just look silly espeically with a high price tag... consumers will be like 'why should I buy you?'

But if you do have exclusives people will be like 'holy crap... only this system has this game... and i really want to play it cause it looks so fun.... god i want it' thats the power of exclusives. Then they gota worry about ' shoot i need to buy this system to play it', this will move systems. Now, the only reason when big games came out and systems dont move much because ALOT of people have already set their minds on what they want but they are waiting for the games to come out. Like me, I bought ps3 knowing mgs4 will drop on june12 and i got it when it came out. Great game btw.

if its not exclusive ' meh, good thing i dont own a ps3... i can just buy it for my xbox360 and play it there' , in this scenario, sony loses.


a. its costly

i mean even its exclusive to your system... you're not gona make more money unless more units move, but seeing that games like mgs4 didn't move much units except a few hundred thousand, they sure ain't going to spend 2-20 mil to buyout an exclusives, its just not smart in terms of making money.

b. not all exclusives are good

some can just make your system look bad. if that excluvise sucks or isn't that special people will be like 'this is ps3? wow good thing i didn't buy it'

so exclusives , espeically good ones can make or bbreak you, bad ones just burdens you.

so sony get more exclusives, and once u lower ps3s to 300$, u will be top again.

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Too long to read.
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#3 DrummerShane12
Member since 2004 • 2531 Posts

Too long to read.DJCUEBALL

indeed I read pits of it here and there

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#4 DrCoCoPiMp
Member since 2005 • 4088 Posts

what do you want them to say?

" Well, we officialy announce that since we have lost FF franchise, you all wasted 500 bucks on a console for your favorite RPG while you could've used that money to get the other big console who got even more of good exclusives. We really suck."

anywayz, I'm still going for tah PS3, but in their shoes, you wold say tah same thang

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#5 XxAnubisxX
Member since 2003 • 4978 Posts

Too long to read.DJCUEBALL

yeah... very long dude....

but I have never heard them say that... even at E3 why would they have stressed on how they have the leading number of exlusives in their line-up?

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#6 aaron5829
Member since 2004 • 1539 Posts
Thanks for the effort.. but, i didnt read all of it.. :P Sorry
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#7 PK_3100
Member since 2007 • 234 Posts

Too long to read.DJCUEBALL

haha... thats exactly what i was thinking

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#8 Timmeus
Member since 2007 • 1136 Posts

Sony said exclusive DLC doesn't matter.

The PS3 has the best exclusives and is the best system... I'm happy.

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#9 johnnyboy5000
Member since 2008 • 256 Posts

For some reason i did read it all.

and u make a pretty good point but still,

i have never herd sony say that exclusives dont matter

like that other guy said the ps3 has a huge line up of exclusives this year

so im a little confused about were ur geting this info

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#10 bodokai
Member since 2006 • 591 Posts
who cares if games are coming to 360 just play for fun
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#11 aznfool07
Member since 2005 • 3552 Posts
When did they say exclusives didn't matter? They said that it mattered and that they supposedly have the most exclusives.
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#12 FFF4N4T1C
Member since 2005 • 925 Posts
You are twisting their words. They said 3rd party exclusives don't matter and they are going to make them all themselves basically.
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#13 hilltops
Member since 2005 • 1833 Posts
Too long to read.DJCUEBALL

:lol: all i did was scroll down..didnt read a word
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#14 janti_hakouz
Member since 2004 • 3190 Posts

When did they say exclusives don't matter?!

At E3, They said their 1st party exclusives are the best there is to offer in the gaming business.

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#15 pokerchamp1
Member since 2005 • 1419 Posts
I think the TC is talking about the topic posted a few days ago about a reporter who was interviewing Kaz Hirai. But, Honestly... Microsoft paid money, to get Square Enix to allow their game onto the xbox360. Which now means it has to be downgraded. And ssooo, I think the ps3 is getting the downgraded version as well.
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#16 idill23
Member since 2004 • 1135 Posts

When did they say exclusives didn't matter? They said that it mattered and that they supposedly have the most exclusives.aznfool07

That's what i was thinking too. So True

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#17 zatorys
Member since 2007 • 638 Posts

exclusives or not !

we r not microsoft .....we r not sony

just play for fun :D

if its good on xbox360 buy it

if its good on ps3 buy it


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#18 azad_champ
Member since 2005 • 3482 Posts

I doubt Sony said that. They said that exclusive DLC doesn't matter and I agree.

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#19 jdang307
Member since 2006 • 1512 Posts

I hate to tell you that you wasted your time, and I won't ... but kaz hirai just said that they can't compete with Sony's exclusives. Sorry.

"Hirai: Rivals can't compete with PS3's exclusives"

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#20 P-Shug
Member since 2006 • 210 Posts

I've never heard anyone from Sony say that exclusives don't matter. I have heard them say that they wont pay third party developers large amounts of cash to develop exclusive games for the PS3 or to bring games from another console onto PS3.

Refusing to pay for exclusives and saying exclusives don't matter, is not the same thing.

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#21 gamer082009
Member since 2007 • 6679 Posts
Seriously, who types that much to prove a point anyways? I do think you need exclusives to differentiate yourself from the competition, which is why Sony hasn't been doing a good job at making the PS3 stand out as being worth the buy other than being a Blu-ray player. I think Sony is just comfortable with developers supporting them just from the PS2 days. So most companies or people tend not to like to break habits.
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#22 nickkcin10
Member since 2008 • 820 Posts
and you are so right, so right. Sony better not blow the exclusive on any other gaming franchise, or i make the move to microsoft.
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#23 deactivated-58319077a6477
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#24 stygiansanity
Member since 2005 • 3183 Posts
you make some solid points.
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#25 gamenerd15
Member since 2007 • 4529 Posts

dude, every company says stuff like that. They get paid for it. Nintendo claims that hardware and graphics don't matter, but they do. All they do is tute the sales horn. All MS does is be a copy cat and tute how much better they sell than sony does and try to buy out everyone's games. Why do you care what executives that work for a certain company say anyway. Yes exclusives matter, but sometimes they don't. Just like having the better version a lot of the time does not matter. Xbox 1 had better versions of some games, but the PS2 version stilll sold more.

At the same time, they are being a bit cocky because both DMC4 and GTA4 went multiplat and yet, it did not move hardware sales on either system which is a bit shocking given that the 360 has exclusive content on one of those games. Yes the recent price drop of the 360 doubled their sales and even I got one, but wordwide it didn't have much of an impact. The only thing that really did is just confirm that America loves 360 while japan still couldn't care with europe having a small fanbase. The PS3 is going to be around, it won't die like the dreamcast. If it was going to, it would have already. Stop with the complaining already and just enjoy playing games. I don't know why people worry about this. A year ago yes I could see your point, but now. Being 5 million or so behind isn't that big of a lead. Let us think about how the PS3 has no games, but 15 million people still bought one anyway.

I own all 3 systems and as far as hardware goes, Sony wins. Most things are not exclusive anymore. The only reason anybody makes stupid topics about this, is because there are no RPG's out on PS3 as of yet. We have 2 coming this year and 1 that we know of coming next year. As of what is currently out in terms of JRPG's, it's pretty lackluster. Lost Odyssey was an FF rip off with good voice acting and cinematic scenes. Blue Dragon is nothing but a poor mans Dragon Quest. Eternal Sonata I heard mixed things about. The other RPG's aren't out yet so we don't know how they will be. As far as the RPG market goes in general, the best things out are remade classics on psp and ds. Square has made a couple of bad RPG's in the past like Secret of Evermore and they have butchered the Mana series since the PS1 practically.

In short get a life.

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#26 Bubblehash
Member since 2004 • 2914 Posts

1. the only reason ps3 gained some momentum this june was because of?

MEtal gear solid 4 exclusivity

2. I see why they dont WANT to buyout timed exclusives as they assume 'xxx' amount of people will still buy ps3 to play that game even if it goes multiplat or 'xxx' amount of ps3s will still be sold regardless if its exclusive.

ex. even if final fantasy 13 goes to xbox360... 2-4 million copies of it will def be sold on ps3, because a big portion of the 15 mil owners will want to own it and the latter dont care much

so lets say its exclusive to sonys platform and they gained it for say 1 year... it sells say 3 mil... okay great, they sold extra... 500,000 copies to 1 mil , awesome, square reaps the benefits, but it could reap more by making it muliplat... on say 360 and make a potential 1-2 million more units had it stayed as a ps3 exclusive instead. But on sonys end they dont reap much except trying to recover the buyout costsby selling more units... and because their system is priced higher, buying out exclusives isn't a very smart thing to do.


exlusive to ps3: sells 3 mil

nonexclusive to ps3: still sells 2-3 mil

xbox360: sells 2-3 mil

square wins

sony wins

microsfot wins

most importantly gamers win

and square will go home with a bigger pocket of cash to make mroe games for US gamers around the world

so lets say sony spend 5-20 million to lock down and exclusive... imagine how much units they have to sell to recover their losses, so in a way i see why they have this 'we dont care much about exclusives' stance. but in reality, locking down a few will retain interest of gamers to want this system... if every system has the same games, nobody will buy the more expensive one, why should u? same game on a cheaper system, it would be dumb to buy a more expensive system to play it.

just like theres two coffee stores... if they taste the same, offer the same stuff, but ones more expensive, which will u go to? obviously the cheaper one.



pros -

a. keeps gamers interested in the console, spiking up demand.

proof: look at monster hunter 2 that came out for japan, thats the best example of how much an exclusive can push a platform. THe psp sold so well it beat wii / ds consecutively on a weekly basis for months straight.

b. diffenitiates yourself from competition

exclusives scream 'im different, im better (hopefully), i got something they dont have, come here! buy me!'

like... comon, if all music players were ipods, there would be no choice, no taste, cuz they all look the same. consumers will just go buy cheaper ones. Without exclusives you just look silly espeically with a high price tag... consumers will be like 'why should I buy you?'

But if you do have exclusives people will be like 'holy crap... only this system has this game... and i really want to play it cause it looks so fun.... god i want it' thats the power of exclusives. Then they gota worry about ' shoot i need to buy this system to play it', this will move systems. Now, the only reason when big games came out and systems dont move much because ALOT of people have already set their minds on what they want but they are waiting for the games to come out. Like me, I bought ps3 knowing mgs4 will drop on june12 and i got it when it came out. Great game btw.

if its not exclusive ' meh, good thing i dont own a ps3... i can just buy it for my xbox360 and play it there' , in this scenario, sony loses.


a. its costly

i mean even its exclusive to your system... you're not gona make more money unless more units move, but seeing that games like mgs4 didn't move much units except a few hundred thousand, they sure ain't going to spend 2-20 mil to buyout an exclusives, its just not smart in terms of making money.

b. not all exclusives are good

some can just make your system look bad. if that excluvise sucks or isn't that special people will be like 'this is ps3? wow good thing i didn't buy it'

so exclusives , espeically good ones can make or bbreak you, bad ones just burdens you.

so sony get more exclusives, and once u lower ps3s to 300$, u will be top again.

No link? Thread fails.
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#27 feryl06
Member since 2006 • 4955 Posts

Hey TC, have you seen PS3 sales lately and how they're still surging? Yea, they're being so negatively affected by losing these exclusives. Poor old Sony. How can they ever catch up? :P

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#28 gamenerd15
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I would like to say fine move to the other console and play 90% of the exact same games that you can on PS3 anyway because that is the smart thing to do, sell one 400 dollar console to buy another one of the same price. That tmakes a lot of sense. I think having the game on one disc is somewhat of an advantage as well as installations to make games load faster. It is your own fault for buying a system based on one single video game. You should broaden your horizons more. I am not saying the 360 is bad, but PS3 is pretty much showing them up this year regardless of sales. If you don't think having 60 player online death matches and creating your own side scrolling adventure game is fun or unique then you have no business even owning anything relating to gaming.

I just got done playing Gears of War yesterday and I have to say that those are still the most impressive graphics on 360. That in a way is kind of lame that a 2 year old game still holds the grail for best graphics on a platform. Graphics aren't everything, that is true but PS3 already out shown 360 with Ratchet and Clank, and that came out just barely a year after the PS3 came out. Fine sell your PS3 and miss out on playing Motorstorm, Valkyria Chronicles, Infamous, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Twisted Metal, God of War 3, White Knight Story, Heavy Rain and so forth. Third party games across the board have been rather weak, so I would rather sony spend their money on the first party. Fat Princess, Flower, Pixeljunk Eden, seem a lot cooler than Peter Jacksons Halo Project, or Forza 3. Oh and I forgot to mention Gran Turismo 5 full version. I just named off like 14 games or so. If you hate all of those just sell your system and go elsewhere with your fanboyism.

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#29 skp_16
Member since 2005 • 3854 Posts
Exclusives does matter but only a little. Out of all the exclusives already released, I only have MGS4. I'm not interested on the others. Upcoming exclusives, only LBP and God of War 3 I'm interested.
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#30 Egyptman786
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to long to read