[QUOTE="osirisomeomi"]Well this topic kinda belongs in system wars, but as for punches, the xbox has lots of punches in bioshock, gears of war, mass effect, halo 3 (all shooters....). The PS3 has no must-have games till 08 with the release of MGS4, GT5, Killzone 2, FF XIII, etc. This holiday season will see a bigger boost in xbox sales than PS3 sales, sadly.ballasteve
no must have games?!?! warhawk, heavenly sword, lair, folklore, and thats not even into 08, when we have MGS4, littlebigplanet, GT5, killzone2, etc, etc. then we have the Agency and Free Realms, which are looking to be free downloads with microtransactions.
in comparison, the 360 has what? bioshock and halo3 coming out this year, both of which are or will be available for the pc. whoop de doo. and lastly mass effect. another fps. yahoo.
if i took the same game formula and repackaged it with different textures, i would have 95% of all 360 games on the market.
Mass Effect is not a first person shooter, it's an RPG and it's not even in frist person it's in third person.
"if i took the same game formula and repackaged it with different textures, i would have 95% of all 360 games on the market."
If thats so true then the same can be said for ps3 game's, why can't people just admitt 360 has some great games infact amazing game's.
Even if i only owned one console i'd still give credit to the other if it deserved it, and 360 deserves credit for the games it has.
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