So I had been waiting and waiting for the demo to come out and when it finally did I was bouncing off the walls. So far I have played through about half the demo from I can tell (and have pre-orded since playing) and wanted to start a topic to ask a few questions (because some aspects are vagee) and see what spells/choices you have all made so far.Â
Personally, I have been sacrificing everything I possibly can. Although I can't really tell or see if there is a damage difference or buffs going on with my spells, maybe its just too early in the game. The combat thus far seems extremely fluid and fast paced and I get a sort of Dark Souls-ish meets Monster hunter kind feel but thats just me.
Also a few questions of my own:
-Martyr rewards, what are they and are they obtainable through the demo?
-After completing quests there is clearly some type of ranking, does anybody know all of the possible ranks?
- I attempted to start another character too but was told I had to save over my previous guy, anybody find a way around this or do we only get one guy for now?
-Is there a way to tell how many charges a spell has WHILE you are fighting?
 Happy hunting!
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