I have had the FragFX controller for about 3months now. It works awesome if you're after instant precise aiming. After the first month the support for the left grip broke off. So now holding the left grip is painful on the hand after multiple hours of use. After about 2.5 months the left anaolog plastic is cracked inside the controller, causing it to constantly move slowly right. Quite often now it automatically presses L2 when pressing the left analog in and moving. It constantly turns itself off, making it a major hassle in a first person shooter game (cod4). And now after 3 months of owning it with the new firmware installed, the mouse stops working altogether when it feels like it, and the firmware has to be re-installed to get the function back. But now my controller is pretty much unusable and I lost my ability to play cod4 with my regular analog controller. These are just the problems that occur after usage, not the minor ones it starts with.
Controller design problems: The left grip is too small, if the support is broken and you have to actually hold it instead of place your hand atop it, it will cause numbness in my left ring finger that can last up to a day. The sensitivity wheel is in a bad spot, it is constantly getting moved by the finger that is wrapped around the small controller. The D-pad is in a bad spot and angled a bit off. It should be higher than the left analog for easier access, and on the same axis as the analog stick which it is not. The frag button is pretty much useless, I never use it. The wired version has tension on the mouse which is majorly undesired when playing a FPS game. If the wire wasn't there it would be much more efficient. There is a plastic raised portion in between the 4 ps (square, triangle, etc) buttons on the mouse controller. It should be raised out another quarter inch to keep from accidentally hitting any of those 4 buttons when gripping the mouse.
Other than these major problems with the FragFX controller it's great. If they would make it stronger and WAY more durable along with better firmware, it would be unstoppable. It's the best first person shooter control I've experienced. I just hope when the wireless version comes out they make it A LOT better.
But I can say the splitfish company is good, since they are replacing my FragFX controller for free. I don't even have to return my broken one, although I'd rather, because what better play testing is there than 3 brutally constant months.
in game name: CaptainDEEZ
Will not be playing until I get a new controller.
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