My ending was good. I got to the warehouse where Shaun was with Ethan and saved Shaun, Madison made it past the police and got into the warehouse and Ethan, Shaun, and Madison all left the warehouse together. Their ending scene was in a new apartment together as a family.
On the conveyer belt with Jayden and Shelby, I missed ONE QTE and Shelby killed Jayden. Shelby got away and Jayden fell into the spike thing. Jayden still had a final scene though, and it was quite weird. Blake was sitting at his desk at the police station telling the Captain that Jayden left his glasses (The ARI glasses) here and what should he do with them. He sets them down on his desk and then decides to put them on. Immediately his is on top of the mountain terrain and thinks that its really cool. Blake looks around and then all of a sudden, Jayden is standing there in the ARI universe! I was like :o :o :o And that was Jayden's ending
Shelby escaped the police, and went to go see Lauren (I saved her from drowning). She is pissed and says that she was going to kill the man who killed her son, and she pulls out a gun and kills Shlby. That was the final scene in the game before those great credits rolled :D
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