[QUOTE="LoG-Sacrament"]what improvements did they make? i know they added in japanese voiceovers to hopefully dull the shrill pain, but what else?finalstar2007
I believe you'll also be able to alternate between CGand anime character portraits and menu design... but if you're asking if the international version will include things like new characters/quests, then the answer is... maybe, but not likely. Some say there "might" be an extra playable character (not a newly introduced one, but who was previously an NPC)... at any rate take it with a grain of salt... i sure would.
But really though, the Japanese language option is the best aspect about the Int. version; new characters or not.
Those are the changes that the PS3 has and 360 version dosent:
- Improved Gameplay
- Slightly Improved graphics
- A whole new layout for the menu, setup and battle system
- The ability to switch from Anime and CGI
- Daul Audio Japanese and English
- 6 diffrent languages
- 4 New characters
- Some kind of connection between SO4 ps3 and SO1/SO2 PSP
- co-op
- 1 Disk
that sounds great. and BTW, the 4 characters you're referring to, are they the ones that are shown at the bottom of the page (after clicking the character tab) of the official Japanese Int. version website?
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