Don't get worked up over the minor character details like Vamp, Olga, etc. All that stuff is interesting for the diehard metal gear fans, they make the story more interesting but not worth dwelling on right now. The major plot devices and the political themes they relate to in real life are what really matter in the games. The real world themes/parallels MGS draws off of are in light blue. In one sentence: its about The Patriots (dubious elite war profiteers), controlling soldiers like Snake to do their bidding, and we've got opposition forces that the soldiers are sent to take down.
Here is the main theme rundown:
We've got the world dominating war profiteers, the U.S. group the Patriots formerly the world group called the Philosophers, a reference to the U.S. being the world superpower today. They claim to be good but they are dubious. They control the world, and they specialize in using war to control people and make money from war for their purposes. In real life they represent the U.S. government and the military industrial complex and U.S. economic hegemony through using our forces for economic imperialism. Iraq and oil conquer is the latest example in real life. Before that we had communism vs capitalism with Russia during the Cold War. The U.S. has conducted so many secret overthrows of governments in our history, for example Iran in the 1950's. Burma, Laos in the 60's. Many south american countries throughout the 70's and 80's. The list is really quite large.
Then we've got the black ops specialist Solid Snake, manipulated by the patriots to do their work and then labelled as a terrorist from being set up by these Patriot forces in the government. He is a part of a cycle of super soldiers that the Patriots use for their purposes. Raiden is next in line. Big Boss and Boss were before Snake. These characters represent how soldiers are merely pawns in never ending power struggles that consume governments and powerful men who control the governments.
Then we've got the opposition to Patriot domination. A quick real world example, Iran in 1979 with the overthrow of the brutal Shah we had installed to do our bidding, so you realize why the leaders in this part of the world oppose America. In the game the opposition to the Patriots includes Big Boss after he rebelled, Ocelot, and Solidus. Big Boss was killed by Snake and Solidus killed by Raiden. That leaves Ocelot. From the prequel MGS3, we know Ocelot was once the liason for the Patriots/Philosophers he was key in securing the microfilm money for them and was playing on all sides. But since MGS1 he had rebelled, in MGS2 he was going after the patriots again, and in MGS4 its been revealed he is setting up Outer Heaven --the rebellion entity named the same as Big Boss's rebellion base in the original 8 bit Metal Gear game. Snake and the usual crew are being sent out to stop Ocelot. Now the question is will snake join the rebellion, carry out his mission, or because he would like neither perhaps kill himself as the E3 06 trailer suggests? Maybe Snake will allow foxdie to kill him.
Whatever finally happens in MGS4, its clear that its going to be the most philisophical and politically oriented Metal Gear game yet. Kojima will leave us with a masterpiece.
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