Street Fighter IV - will it run 1080p or 720p on PS3

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#1 jcaugustine
Member since 2005 • 241 Posts

Just realized that "Resident Evil 5" will only be 720p on the PS3. A little disappointed about that. I'll probably be getting the Xbox 360 version since past Capcom games like "Lost Planet" and "Devil May Cry 4" were reviewed to be more crisp looking (especially Lost Planet despite the added features) on the 360 than it's PS3 counterpart.

However, being a SF fan, I'm definitely getting Street Fighter IV for the PS3 no matter what, just because of the better controls. But just wondering if it would only input 720p? Hoping it would at least be 1080p.

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#2 Vendrena
Member since 2006 • 852 Posts

from what ive read ps3 outputs truw HD while Xbox upscales it...dont know if thats true so if someone else can confirm that, that would be cool.

As for lost planet, yes it was a crappy port.

however it is confirmed that DMC4 runs better on ps3, nothing to go crazy about but just wanted to fix you.

as for RE5 its most likely going to fun 720 on ps3 and 1080p for xbox, but i bet they are both going to look the same. Honestly DMC4 ps3 and xbox look and play exactly the same. Just the xbox version has some screen tearing and funny textures sometimes. So i bet they'll be identical.

as for SF4 i bet most likely that it will be 720p for ps3, lol you are write about one thing....ps3 controller is way better for fighting games unless you like arcade sticks.

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#3 Brainhunter
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You are understanding something that has gone through the minds of multi-console owners in a twisted sense for quite a while: While 360 may output 1080p, that is not the original resolution, it is nothing more than the upscaling chip of the 360 doing the work. The original resolution remains at 720p, and the 360 upscales it to 1080p. The ps3, on the other hand, renders its games at their native resolutions, most of the time being 720p. You can actually force some of them to run in 1080p by disabling 1080i, 720p from the display settings on the XMB. Note however that neither console offer true HD (Full 1080p resolution) on the majority of its games, and the 360 is no different. Those 1080p console games you see on the back of the box of the 360 are "supported resolutions", not "native resolutions". That, ladies and gentlemen, is the big difference between native and upscaled. Either way, depending on the TV set you use, letting the TV do the upscaling may in fact be a better option than forcing the console to run in 1080p, especially for the PS3, since it does not possess an upscaler chip like the 360 does. Just a thought I wanted to throw in to keep you guys informed.
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#4 rogelio22
Member since 2006 • 2477 Posts
why would it be so hard to run a fighting game at 1080p?? i mean a big level game i can understand, but i wish sf4 would be 1080p native but doubt it:cry: and for people that say there aint no difference go try ssf2hdrand switch between the 2 reses and youll see a HUGE difference
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#5 sdu_1111
Member since 2007 • 474 Posts

Its already out here in asia. I'm from Singapore here.

Game runs at 720p. Installs take up 2.2GB of your HDD. (optional btw)

Oh yes. there's totally no lag when playing. even with 2/5 bars connection

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#6 Karaam
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BTW, the 360 can't run 1080p, game companies are payed to put 1080p on the back of the 360 case. i know this because I work at EB Games and an EA emplyee came in and told us that. NO JOKE. Usually games for now can only run at 720p. 360 only upscales the resolution. while the PS3 runs the games at 720p and makes them run smooth, devs prefer making a game run very the best it can on 720p than having frame rate problems on 1080p. Just so you know. Yes there have been games that have been in 1080p, for example: The Darkness, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Lair, COD4, COD5, Prince of Persia, Dead Space, Bioshock. MGS4. Those of which have had the time to be able to make run on 1080p. But the games still look amazing on 720p. So for RE5 being 1080p on the 360 is not true, even if the 360 has an upscaler, it only upscales to 1080i.
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#7 deactivated-59d151f079814
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Why does it matter either way? In the end most times you don't notice any ways.. Inless you are the most anal person alive, or have a tv the size of an entire wall.. Chances are it will be extremely hard to tell the difference between the two when it comes to video games.
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#8 ENDOT12123
Member since 2007 • 1223 Posts

Its already out here in asia. I'm from Singapore here.

Game runs at 720p. Installs take up 2.2GB of your HDD. (optional btw)

Oh yes. there's totally no lag when playing. even with 2/5 bars connectionsdu_1111

man its good to hear that the install is optioanal i hate installing games on to the hardrive,

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#9 ps3_owns_360Wii
Member since 2008 • 2289 Posts

Its already out here in asia. I'm from Singapore here.

Game runs at 720p. Installs take up 2.2GB of your HDD. (optional btw)

Oh yes. there's totally no lag when playing. even with 2/5 bars connectionENDOT12123

man its good to hear that the install is optioanal i hate installing games on to the hardrive,

thats pretty suprising considering its a capcom game. i give props to capcom

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#10 PSdual_wielder
Member since 2003 • 10646 Posts

Its already out here in asia. I'm from Singapore here.

Game runs at 720p. Installs take up 2.2GB of your HDD. (optional btw)

Oh yes. there's totally no lag when playing. even with 2/5 bars connection


Question: Did you install the game and how are the load times?

The pics are sweet by the way.

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#11 sdu_1111
Member since 2007 • 474 Posts

Thanks. I'll be looking forward to playing with American players, as u can see my box says region 3. But online play is global, so yea :)

I did install the game, it didn't take as long as DMC4 .. but its slightly longer than the chapter per chapter install in MGS4?

Load times are great after the install. But i'd say they're faster by just a few seconds. But then again, even at the arcades you do have load times.

And btw. you do really need a stick to play, the next cheapest alternate option would be using the analog instead of the D pad. I don't even think 360 owners can play with their controller even !..

Why? check out some moves you have to make. its extremely hard to register some moves on the Dpad (the manual is very useful for new comers btw)

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#12 PSdual_wielder
Member since 2003 • 10646 Posts
I'm really considering getting a fightstick right now. But my close to zero experience of using one doesn't give me any justification. Kind of a noob question here, but how exactly is a fightstick a lot better than say...the DS3 d-pad? And if I am going to get one it would only be the standard 50bucks one from mad catz, is it really different from the TE?
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#13 johnlennon28
Member since 2008 • 2158 Posts

Its already out here in asia. I'm from Singapore here.

Game runs at 720p. Installs take up 2.2GB of your HDD. (optional btw)

Oh yes. there's totally no lag when playing. even with 2/5 bars connection

you just got me more exited bout this game man,

ow btw, your sig is hottaaa!!!

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#14 Anthony414
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Uh Karaam do you even know the difference between progressive scan an interlace scan? I mean by reading you're post you appearently have no idea what you're talking about. When the 360 is running 1080p it's not "like" 1080i. Oh and 720p is better than 1080i anyway.

When people talk about 720p as the native resolution it usualy has to do with the sharpness of the textures. When the 360 upscales to 1080p, the resolution is higher but the texture won't be any sharper. Therefore edges might appear smoother but that's about it.

Full HD LCD HDTVs run at a native 1920x1080 resolution so when you output 720p the tv has to simulate the coloring of certain pixels in order to have the image fill the whole screen. When the 360 upscales to 1080p it doesn't just guess/simulate what color pixels to use to fill the image. Being able to run the game at your TV's native resolution its the main benefit of upscaling.
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#15 WR_Platinum
Member since 2003 • 4685 Posts

Thanks. I'll be looking forward to playing with American players, as u can see my box says region 3. But online play is global, so yea :)

I did install the game, it didn't take as long as DMC4 .. but its slightly longer than the chapter per chapter install in MGS4?

Load times are great after the install. But i'd say they're faster by just a few seconds. But then again, even at the arcades you do have load times.

And btw. you do really need a stick to play, the next cheapest alternate option would be using the analog instead of the D pad. I don't even think 360 owners can play with their controller even !..

Why? check out some moves you have to make. its extremely hard to register some moves on the Dpad (the manual is very useful for new comers btw)


I played with the d pad and it tooke me about and hour to get the super and ultra combos to activate easier as I keep playing. The the charging idk why, but it was a bit tough before, but i got the hang of it again so its not as tough as many would think.

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#16 nish14
Member since 2007 • 216 Posts

Its already out here in asia. I'm from Singapore here.

Game runs at 720p. Installs take up 2.2GB of your HDD. (optional btw)

Oh yes. there's totally no lag when playing. even with 2/5 bars connectionENDOT12123

man its good to hear that the install is optioanal i hate installing games on to the hardrive,

For SF4 ur gonna want to install it to the HDD tho, cuz the load times are pretty long with out it installed.. i think it was GS that said 30secs w/o and around 10secs installed.