ok, so i just got a lot of money cause my dead grandpa's will just came through. and my parents ( im 15) said if i wanted to i could use a little bit of it to get a PS3. so i called my local EB Games, and for a 40gb PS3 its only 399.99 and comes with call of duty 4, and the 80 gb is 499.99 and comes with some extra crap and motorstorm. And i read up that for around another 100 bucks that i could get a 2.5 sata thing that would give my ps3 like an extra 160 gb. but i was watching reviews on the run and they said that o play lost planet on the ps3 that enven though its only 5 gb they had to erase stuff on there hard drive. so i was wondering if 40 gb is going o be enough for me cause i only have like 15 games for my ps2 and if 40gb isn't enough for the standard gamer but 160 is to much then i can get a 80, i just want to know what is the best and about the hole havibng to delete stuff to play new games. thanks
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