For anyone who has been trying in vain to do this, I finally finished it tonight using a combination of techniques found in various places online. Here is what worked for me :
1. if at all possible, wait for two ships to be on the screen and try to explode both with one bomb, effectively giving you three more bombs than you previously had.
2. follow ships for as long as possible and try to trigger bombs when there are as many obstacles on screen as possible. this helps clear the screen and give you more wiggle room.
3. when the red heat-seaking mines appear on screen, try to get a ship between you and the mines. sometimes they will blow up the ship and you will get two bombs without using any of your own.
4. when things get hairy and there seems to be nowhere for you to maneuver, pause the game, prepare a strategy, unpause the game and move out of harms way and pause it again... keep repeating till you're in the clear. i did this for a good five minutes after reaching 14 bombs. i would have most certainly died had i not used the pause-plan-move-pause technique.
hope this helps!!
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