Ok, here's the deal... I've already called the Playstation 1-800 number for some answeres, and they basically told me to try it and see if it works because they do not know.... Grrr..
I do not have a HDTV, and I do not have the money for one at this time, however, I have a 21" HP PC monitor that accepts DVI input, and an HDMI to DVI converter, the monitor goes to 1650X1080 rez, so here's the question:
1) Will the PS3 work on the monitor? Will it project the image at 1080? Will there be a refresh issue?
2) HDMI transfers video AND audio usually, so converting it to the DVI output would cancel out the audio. Is it possible to send the audio to my PC sound card, and then through my PC speakers via RCA cables. Can an HDMI cable work in CONJUNCTION with Red White, and Yellow cables? Or does it have to be one or the other. I would use opticle out, which I know will work, but my PC won't accept opticle in, and my reciever is in a completely different room.
The idea is to use my PC and PS3 on the same monitor using a DVI splitter, and the same speakers. I really don't have room for 5.1 speakers and a reciever on the same desk as well. If I need to go into more detail, please let me know. Hopefully someone here has tried the same thing. Thanks in advance.
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