Hello. I really need some help improving my ps4 (and xbone) wifi connection. I know my wifi signal is good, I test it with speedtest.net from my cellphone. I'm currently with videotron (a quebecer internet provider) with hybrid fibe 120Mb/s, but when I do a speedtest on my console I can barely get 20mb/s, and that is in the morning when most people are at work and there's not too much internet traffic around my neighborhood, after the evening, I can barely get 5Mb/s, and that is when I get a connection at all.
I tried a few things already, like opening some ports from my router, it didn't do crap. Maybe there is a setting during the wifi connection configuration i'm missing ? Why is it so hard to get a good wifi connection on my consoles when everything else works just fine ???
If anybody can help with this, i'd really appreciate it, thanks.
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