Soul Calibur 4 IMO. I've been playing Tekken 6 in 1080p on a 55 inch Toshiba Regza with 240hz technology and everything but I decided to change it up and play some Soul Calibur 4 today. I brought the PS3 down to the family room where our 72'' Toshiba Cinema Series DLP tv is located and turned on Soul Calibur 4 playing in 1080i. Despite the 1080i and a much bigger image the graphics of Soul Calibur 4 blew the graphics of Tekken 6 out of the water. It wasnt long before I realized every other game I own and demo ive played cannot compete with these graphics. Theres no use in describing it you have to play the game with an HD tv to see for yourself. If you know of a game that can begin to compete, speak up.
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