These games look great, been wondering which one to choose for awhile.
At first, I was leaning towards Modern Warfare since it had modern weapons, and I love modern weapons! but then, I already have Battlefield Bad Company, planning to get the second as well, so I kinda felt like my thirst for modern weapons were balanced (Did I mention I had MGS4 as well? That has modern weapons too). On the contrary, I've never tried a World War II shooter before and I think world at war seems like a good start.
Those were the factors that kept me from choosing between the two until...
I found out WAW had Co-op! Seriously, this is important to me. About 2/5 of my games have co-op (That isn't even a rationed amout :cry: )in local but then I just RECENTLY found out that WAW had co-op!
I don't know about Modern Warfare 2, if that has co-op then I could pass up Bad Company 2.
Am I dumb or what? :P
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