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FF6 FF7 FF8 and FF9. I really think square would make some money if they just had a team dedicated to remaking the old FF games. And SOUL REAVER, Eidos should remake it as one complete game. and MGS, as in Metal gear solid, The first one.SushimasterSquare does have such team. This is why we have all the FF anthologies for PS1 and Gameboy. But as far as remakes go...well, there were a lot of games that were good but hampered by the then-current technology. I remember thinking that "Galapogos" (PC) was am insanely interesting idea that just couldn't be pulled off well on 486-class hardware. "Out of This World" was another one that had shadows of great to things to come that did succeed on it's hardware but could have done so much more. It would also be nice to see "Oddworld" back on the PS-platform. Of course the promise of cheap home VR is always a nice chestnut to bring out. The EyeToy has some of that base covered... but I've wanted real stereoscopic head-tracking even since playing "Dactyl Nightmare". The Jaguar promised this for soooo long then quietly died.
FF6 FF7 FF8 and FF9. I really think square would make some money if they just had a team dedicated to remaking the old FF games. And SOUL REAVER, Eidos should remake it as one complete game. and MGS, as in Metal gear solid, The first one.SushimasterThe first Metal Gear WAS DONE with better graphics for the GameCube was called Twin Snakes ...and had the graphics of MGS2 ...that's why they are NOT going to remake one for the PS3. I doubt they are even thinking or will think of remaking that MGS.
FF6 FF7 FF8 and FF9. I really think square would make some money if they just had a team dedicated to remaking the old FF games. And SOUL REAVER, Eidos should remake it as one complete game. and MGS, as in Metal gear solid, The first one.Sushimasteruhh... in the U.S. they have remade final fantasy 1-6 for game boy advance/nintendo DS. they're on 7, i bet theyre still deciding between ps3 and psp for a 7 remake.
what games do you like to be made for the ps3 just like on the previous two consoles ...jawwadpagalresident evil 4 & black beacuse they looked good
what games do you like to be made for the ps3 just like on the previous two consoles ...jawwadpagalresident evil 4 & black beacuse they looked good
a sequel of Psi Ops anyone ?
i would realy like that. I just loved using my Psi powers. and the To Be Continued makes me wanting a sequel even more.
imagen how it would look in Next gen...
:( toobad there is no news about a "sequel" since Psi Ops.
im going bit off topic maybe cause im not realy talking about a "Remake" anymore i think
Even though it's coming out on PSP, I would like to see Castlevania SoTN with beautifully done PS3 graphics, that would be freakin' sweet. Im' going to be the only one on this one, but I'd reccomend FF Tactics to be remade as well, it would be cool. If there were any Metal Gear games it would have to be Metal Gear and Metal Gear: Solid Snake both of which were on MSX (and MGS3 Subsistence) Xenogears would be awesome since they messed up with Xenosaga, and when im talking about remakes I mean games kept as they were with only minor tweaks or added content, so Xenogears must not be changed into Xenosagears.
I can hear millions of Final Fantasy fans screaming "FINAL FANTASY VII!!!!!111"libthegod
Someone really needs to get them to shut up.
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