The God of War Collection is out before God of War 3. Does anybody know if there is a possiblity of Shadow of Colossus + ICO collection before The Last Guardian Comes out?
I really can't see the GOW collection being the last of the PS2 ports. It's not confirmed but I definitely see a Team Ico collection coming few months before the release of HIGHLY anticipated title, The Last Guardian, course with extra perks like the GOW collection.
Whenever someone asks what series should be next for the 'Collection' treatment, SotC/Ico and the MGS series are the most popular answers. There's obviously a market for a Team Ico Collection before LG is released. I think they'd have to be crazy not to do it. I think buying the GOWC will increase the chances of future collections like a Team Ico Collection. Obviously they'll be looking at how well GOWC sells and deciding if the market is strong enough for these ports. If the GOWC sales numbers are poor, I doubt we'll see any more PS2 ports.
rumors is all they are at this point... some people have posted a link or two, if I recall correctly, stating that Fumito Ueda wanted to do the same thing after hearing about the GOW collection. Anyways, if they do actually release it I'll buy two copies. One will be sealed, the other will for my gaming pleasure....I'll keep them alongside my PS2 versions of ico and SOTC..... :P.....or maybe I won't.....hmmmmm
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