This was copied from my system wars thread so disregaurd the flame quotes and such
It seems like there is almost 0 hype for many of these great games coming to the PSP.. And i decide to bring some!!
Heres my 2009 list:
Star Ocean: Seconed Evolution -20 January 2009
This game is a JRPG everybody must play if you haven't from its vast skill system to it's unique battles....
Patapon 2 -13 February 2009 EU
Patapon 2 is the unique music/rythem game that graces the PSP console... The sequal to TWO PSP game of the year awards and many nominations and will be a AAA title again.
Phantasy Star Portable -24 March 2009
Phantasy Star a decent franchise comes to the PSP with up to 4 player co-op and a awesome story mode... A game that should at least give a rent!
Resistance Retribution -March 2009 EU
Resistance the nominee for game of the year of 2009 comes to Sony's handheld with graphics which cleary push it to the limits, this shooter will make a great addition to the PSP for sure! The game is being developed by the same developers of the hit games Sylphon Filter, a developer proved to be making good games for the PSP..
These are the CONFIRMED releases for this year but there are games that are highly possable to be coming out this year we have :
Final Fantasy Dissidia -
This final fantasy fighter features all the main Villains and Heroes in every title from 1 - 10 and some side characters from 11 and 12... This game will be one of the greatest of this year from its unique fighting stye and desgin to it's story mode but, as it being on a handheld won't get much reconition... A must buy for any final fantasy fan or PSP owner!
Kingdom Hearts isn' likely to come out this year but itspossible -
This game will use the same engine of Crisis Core which had great graphics itself, Kingdom Hearts game are and have been loveable JRPGs which combine Disney and Final Fantasy Characters... This will be a big hit for the PSP
The Third Birthday -
Well, this one probavly won't come out for this year ethier, but very possible!! This game will be the third installment of the popular franchise Parasite Eve.. This will be a awesome Action role-playing game, with unique setting and characters...
This ends the "Unconfirmed PSP games"
DJ Max Fever -
DJ Max Fever is a type of Rhythmgame which you will have to press buttons corrasponding to the visuals on the screen... With its fast tunes and nice visuals you will sure to love it!
Loco Roco 2 -February 10, 2009
Loco Roco is back and its still cute as ever but with more in depth gameplay for the hardcore and tons of new gameplay!
Dynasty Warriors: Strike Force - March 24, 09 -
Dynasty Warriors is coming back but with new super enhanced super moves and more gameplay!!
All of this, proves how much of a powerhous for games and developers PSP still is, and it is defently not a "dying" system.. I hope i made your hype meters risen and informed you on the great list of games coming to the PSP.. And don't forget these are just the titles that I think will be great!
And to give this some systemwars debating. I'm sure this list of games DESTROYS the DS games for the year!!! :D
Add Prinny: Can I really be the hero? , Dirt2 and Duke Nuken Trilogy...
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