so after i finished it, i got the eagle eye ability, and studied the writings and paintings as hard as i could, i didnt find anything related to the game...but i did find something spooky.
at first, in the bedroom and over the bed, there was an arabic word writen twice (ا4;ز4;ز4;ة) it means the Apocalypse:
then, on the right side of the Anymos, there is a trinagle of letters and under it is a barcode with numbers under it...these numbers got my attention because they look like a date...12/21/2012, in the emails you can see that they are trying to launch the satalite by the 21st (they never said what year they're in):
and then, back in the bed room, you can see a time (22:13---10:13PM)
when you add all of that up, you get an Apocalypse at 10:13PM at the 21st of December 2012
im not a math geniuos so i couldnt decifer all those letters (or those words under the glass of the confrence room---YONA GUNI)
is that it? did i finish the game? i smell sequel...
what are your thoughts? and what did you discover?
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