Man, I screwed up big time! I've been farming the Wladilsaus (or whatever they are) and never stopped to spend my CP since the three characters I'm using already have fully maxed Crysteriums. So, I hit triangle after hours of farming to see how much I had racked up. I had whipped over 700,000 out of the creep! The bad thing? My three unused characters only got a little bit of it. I hadn't touched them or their crysteriums since the tower and some point between now and then their CP counter stopped at 999,9999. I went ahead and used it all to make room for them to earn some more and realized that they're almost an entire crysterium level behind the other guys and I wasn't even able to touch their secondary ones.... Man, I'm bummed. What's worse is that if I want to farm some more to get those guys up to speed with the rest of the team the others will max out and not get anything, so in essence I'm doing this twice. I started farming them last night and have been at it for several hours today. I feel so dumb..... Anyway, I just wanted to share this as a warning. Keep your inactive party members up to speed!!!!TheEldestGod
wow thats a lot of wasted CP![QUOTE="HarDcore_RpG"]Dragoon Lance sounds good, i guess ill have to wait till later. The reason i asked here is because i checked on Gamefaqs and they dont explain the perks of each weapon and which is suitable for each role. Thanks for the help.
sorry for double postingSphire
Well you'll really only get the Dragoon Lance end-game sort of time, and you have to buy it, and it's not cheap (not that expensive, but still). And if you're doing end-game stuff, that means you probably want to try and plat the game, and to do that you have to upgrade all weapons to at least tier 2, with one going all the way to tier 3 to get one of the trophies. And the Taming Poles final strength stat is only about 40 less than the Dragoon Lance. Also of note, if you use Hope a lot for his Synergist ability, the Gae Blog can help keep those buffs around longer on Fang if you pair it with up with relevant accessories giving you the 'positive effect' extra ability.
It is quite hard to choose which weapon to upgrade first, but there's a bit more info for you. As for characters for the battle ahead, having a sentinel is always worthwhile, and having lightning is great for her flexibility. The third choice is a bit harder, you definitely want a ravager and medic, which leaves Hope and Vanille, so either saboteur or synergist. I used Lightning/Snow/Vanille and got through almost everything without changing the team. Snow has ravager abilities which is a nice complement to his commando and sentinel skills and great hp. And Vanille has more hp than Hope, which I value too, plus I think debuffs lasts longer than buffs, so I was more in favour of saboteur. Though I do remember battles where having a synergist would have been nice.
If I remember correctly, Snow's strength and Vanille's magic stats were better than Fang's and Hope's respectively, but end-game, Fang overtakes Snow and Hope overtakes Vanille. I've been using Fang more end-game, but still use Vanille instead of Hope, though now it's more important to bring the right characters when doing missions, so I do a lot more team changing now than I did through the story.
I kind of like my current setup, ive been destroying everything with Light, Fang and Hope. I agree that Vanille and Snow have higher HP than Hope and FAng respectively but they have less offensive capabilities in my opinion. For example, Light can be used as COM or RAV since her ATK and MAGIC are both high and fairly equal, while Fang can switch between COM and SEN , and Hope is RAV and MED. This is what i normally use first, Protection(MED,SYN,SEN) then i use Scouting Party(COM, MED, SAB) and then depending if the enemy is alone or in a group, Aggression or Relentless Assault. This of course is against bosses or high caliber baddies.If not i usually go straight in with relentless assault. On a side note i just passed the CG scene on the race tack... BLOWN AWAY! i made a separate save file so i could keep rewatching it:P
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