Ok important question for everyone. What's everyones favourite music piece from the game? :lol:
My personal fav was something first heard near the beginning, I thought it was the rebel NORA group's theme or something. You don't hear it often, but I love it. Parts of it kinda remind me of music from X-2, heck even some other songs remind me of x-2 in some part or another. Turns out the piece I heard is this:
Snow's Theme
Which was kinda surprising to me. I mean you first hear it when you control Hope the first time. And man I thought it'd be a perfect battle theme song too. Ah well, it's a great tune. Of the character themes, I have to say Snow and Fang have the best (though Fang's doesn't really sound like a theme song), Vanille's is pretty good too.
I don't particularly like Hope's theme and I hate Sazhs theme (some hiphop/reggae piece, I remember when I heard it in game, instantly didn't like it). Lightning's theme suffers from being an inferior version of the main battle theme. While Serah's...has lyrics! Which I don't like...and in the process butches the main menu theme (it's the same piece but with lyrics). I'm pretty sure there is another version like Serah's theme, that has the word 'rainbow' in it too. God that sounded weird running around on the field map and hearing lyrics that included the word 'rainbow'....Damn!
Anyway, other noticeable pieces I like are the main menu piece(which has maybe one too many iterations in the game), the main battle theme (what is most likely the most awesome battle theme ever!) and the Sulyya Springs background piece. What with no backtracking to earlier parts of the game, I don't recall if there were anymore among those I liked. I can say I hate Mah'habara's background theme. I probably hated the music playing while in the Ark too, if I remember correctly.
So what's everyone elses :question:
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