Man, I just spent the past hour and a half on Atticus (mission 51) and I must say, that dude is a total @$$. He's not really much of a heavy hitter, and as long as you have a SEN in your group you're not going to have to worry much at all. The problem with Atticus is that he has tons of HP and takes forever to kill. If you take too long he will cast DOOM on you. Once that happens you may as well hit retry.
Now, if you're going for the plat like I am, not only are you going to want to beat the mission but you're going to want to 5-star it, too. On my first few attempts I destroyed him easily enough - all it took was a bit of patience. The problem is I was taking almost 15 minutes to kill him each time! Geez! Well, I finally worked up the perfect strategy that put him down in 7 minutes and 12 seconds. 5 more stars for me!
So, in case any of you are having trouble with this bum, here's what I did....
You are going to want your strongest Commando, Ravager, and Sentinel. Mine were Fang, Lightning, and Snow. Yours most likely are too. Anyway, throw those guys in there and equip them with their best offensive gear for Fang and Light and give Snow the best deffensive gear. What I did was removed all their stuff and hit optimize and chose what position I needed them in. Its a very effective option, believe it or not.
Your paradigms should look like this:
Okay, as you may have noticed, my leader (Fang) uses almost every role. Obvioulsy you have to have an atleast almost maxed out crystarium. If you don't then I wouldn't even bother trying to 5star this guy. Anyway, the most important two things to remember are to keep a SEN in your party the entire time as well as a damage dealer to keep dude destracted and his chain guage up. The way you'll start battle is put the shroud "fortisol" on your party before the cutscene. You won't need any others.
Have the SAB/SAB/SEN set as your default. You'll jump into battle and immediately debuff him. The only things you really need are DEPROTECT and DESHELL, but SLOW is good, too. As soon as those are on him switch to RAV/RAV/SEN. Your goal for now is to get his chain guage up a bit. You'll likely not stagger him and honestly don't need to. You just need to get it up around 400 - 500 percent so your attacks do more damage. The only time you should switch paradigms until then is to re-debuff him when he throws them off. If and when that happens switch to SAB/COM/SEN. Lightning will keep his chain guage up while you manually debuff him. Just DESHELL for the moment. Then switch back to your previous paradigm and continue building his chain guage.
Once his chain guage is around the middle you'll want to switch to COM/COM/SEN and eat away at his life bar. Again, only switch paradigms if his debuffs where off. For the rest of the fight the only one you'll need on him is DEPROTECT. By now your own buffs should have worn off, so switch to SYN/COM/SEN and manually cast Haste and Bravera on bothFang and Lightning. As soon as they take you'll switch back to your previous paradigm and continue chipping away at his HP. Just Debuff him and Buff your party as needed and get back to the fight. He'll go down in no time. While you have a MED in your paradigm list just in case, you shouldn't need it at all. Snow takes little damage as a SEN in this fight and his HP regen works better than it probably should.
7 minutes! Beat that! :P I hope this helps you guys! Now I'm off to combat the big dogs!
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