I got both and if you're looking for good multiplayer, get warhawk. Team fortress 2 is great but way less people play it and maps are picked by popular vote, which means that you get - no joke - literally every single one of the 11 or so total servers playing at a single map called 2fort, which is unfortunate because it's polished incredibly well and so fun. People just pick it because a) they only like 2fort, or b) they have no idea that theres a vote and just keep pressing X and vote for it because it is the first selection.
I hadn't played Half-life 2 either. It's long. It's like, 15-20 hours and you get episode one and two. Great singleplayer
Portal is great fun and so hilarious but it is short.
The orange box has tremendous value.
Warhawk is fun but it's sort of a pain for beginners and people who don't have shooter talent. This is because it's like rock paper scissors. Warhawk beats tank, tank beats turret and turret beats warhawk while the 4x4 stays the hell out of their way and carries the flag. It's also got some physics glitches that people have mastered in using against the enemy such as blocking someones path completely with a warhawk, and it's annoying. There's also people who must spend every moment of their lives throwing grenades perfectly at people and that gets on your nerves. You can avoid this mostly if you go to a lvl 1 server where most people are newbies in the boat as you. It's really fun though when you get the hang of gameplay. It's also 40 bucks which is nice.
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