If you aren't someone who can enjoy the nostalgia aspect of playing older games, if you can't go back and appreciate the evolution of gaming and how certain games, while flawed and wonky by today's standards, helped push the genre forward in cool or interesting ways, I'd advise against buying The Orange Box. The Half-Life games were freakin' awesome and just mind-blowing at the time, but I think they need to hold that special place in your heart to not feel archaic and clunky these days. Portal still feels fresh and remains all kinds of cool but, even so, I can't bring myself to say it's worth $38 CAD on its own. I never touched Team Fortress, because competitive multiplayer has just never been my thing, so I have no opinion on it.
If you find it hard to go back to old games, don't waste the money - because $38 CAD just seems awfully steep. If you've revisited the original Half-Life anytime recently and still found it an enjoyable experience, then it's probably worth buying The Orange Box.
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