Wow, I didn't expect the harsh reply for the post about Sony needing to deliver rather than just promise stuff. Jeez. Look, I'm a Sony fan, I play 360 with my friends, but Sony has a special place in my heart and the only next-gen system I own is PS3. But seriously, I don't get why everyone isn't demanding a little more. I like Resistance and Motorstorm and all, and I know that 360, PS2 and PS1 didn't have a lot of games at launch either, but people, Sony were the ones that chose to release the PS3 so much later than the 360. Do you not think that releasing a system with only a couple worthwhile games into a market that features a similar system with multiple must owns already would not warrant Sony to at least release the PS3 with just as many great titles? Come on, think about it. Why do you think PS3 gets thrashed all the time. It enters a market with a system that has similar power and already has titles like Crackdown, Dead Rising, Gears of War and Lost Planet, and Sony thinks the PS3 will be fine with just Resistance and Motorstorm? Look they're great, but they needed more right? VF5 is good and all too, but it will be on 360 soon enough.
Now, for an example of what I mean with Lair. The original XBOX was released well after PS2 and still did well because its launch featured a game that revolutionized games, Halo. It was the evolution of FPS gaming....does Sony have that right now? Motorstorm is incredible, its physics are amazing, but is it revolutionary and a must own? Resistance may be better than Halo, but really, does it do anything truly spectacular to place itself in a new zone of awesomeness all by itself? The answer is no. Hence why I am saying Sony needs to release something that is TRULY next-gen and revolutionary. Will Lair be this? Maybe, its the first game to actually use some PS3 features not just as novelties. How about Heavenly Sword? And why wouldn't Sony have the power to release them a little early? THEY'RE THE PUBLISHER. THe one that takes care of marketing, distributing and all that fun stuff. They could if they wanted and I think they need to. Push that developer hard and get it out early. I know PS3 will be the king in the end, but come on. We need more to join our side and I think this may be a necessary thing to do.
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