So here is the story. When I first set up my psn account back in Nov. 2007, I figured I would be a little creative with the name. So being a white guy from a mostly black populated area, I figured it would be comical to name my self "Crackafiedcracka", and that it was. I made a lot of friends and got a lot of laughs/compliments on the creativeness of my name. PSN was good. Then came home. I checked home out a few times, when the updates came, I was curious of the new locations so every once in a while i would drop in to see what's up. Well little did I know there were these "Cracka" hating Mods who would soon put me through the worst experience I have had thus far with PSN. Appently, they dissaprove of the name (which I can understand), so they banned me.
I thought, ok fine, I'll just call Sony and see what happens next. I had almost 150 trophies so I was hoping that maybe we could work something out. Maybe we could just change my name and un ban by account. "Yes sir, we sure can do that" said the Sony rep. I was so happy at this point. So we changed my name and i signed back onto PSN. Well, when i signed on I immediately checked my trophies under the game tab, they were all there. "YES!!!". For some reason I also went to check my gamecard, it said I only had 3 trophies. I called Sony back and they said I would have to default my PS3 and back up,then resync my trophies. So I backed up, restored, then synced. All that did was match up my trophies to my gamercard, so now it said I only have 3. Called Sony back, nothing they can do about it if it does not sync up. Ok fine, i'm a easy going guy, i'll just re due them. So i start fresh again. Put in burnout paradise, get 33%. Put in Socom, and while playing a game, BOOM, trophies madness, I got 8 trohpies in a row in 1 ROUND! Which those who play the game know it's impossible to get 1 trophy in 1 game alone. So it back dated so to say.
Then I get LBP for my bday. Pop it in and try to sign online. Can't connect to servers(403). So I searched forums to see if it was down, no mention of such. So I sign onto another user and psn id i created, and it works fine. Call Sony back, need to get up with MM. So I send a email to MM (this was 2 weeks ago). Then acouple of nights ago i'm playing Socom again, and my clan leader sends me a promotion to officer. It popped up on my screen, but it would not go in my msg box?!?!?!? "I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS ****!!!!" So, I've changed my psn id, my psn email,called Sony multiple times, and for some reason the name is still messed up cause it's associated with Cracka. I've even searched for my new name on and it says can't find player. ThenI put in cracka, and it gives me my up to date states!!! Finally Igave up and created a new account. I just wish I would of never calledSony and just started fresh from the get go.So a total of 300 or so trophies from playing twice over are gone. Pretty crappy huh?What would you do?
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