A lot more than it costs to buy a playstation 3 surprisingly. Depends because there are ones for you tv as well as a blue ray drive for your pc so prices vary.
at my futureshop in Moncton NB Canada they have 3 of these 1 is a combo Blu-ray and HD dvd and that is 1499.99 made by LG and the blu ray player is 1299.99 is made by SONY and the last one is a blu-ray running for 799.99 and its made bt samsung
at my futureshop in Moncton NB Canada they have 2 of these 1 is a combo Blu-ray and HD dvd and that is 1499.99 made by LG and the blu ray player is 1299.99 is made by SONY
at my futureshop in Moncton NB Canada they have 2 of these 1 is a combo Blu-ray and HD dvd and that is 1499.99 made by LG and the blu ray player is 1299.99 is made by SONY
at my futureshop in Moncton NB Canada they have 2 of these 1 is a combo Blu-ray and HD dvd and that is 1499.99 made by LG and the blu ray player is 1299.99 is made by SONY
sorry for all the posts my comp was going very slow and i hit the button a few to many times the first post is the one to be looked at the other two are mistakes
ahah yeah sorry bout that my comp is sending double like everything for some reason prob just cuz i get pissed when its going slow so i just jit submit a few times hoping it will go faster lol
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