These things we all do and don't say you don't cause we all know you do.
Trying to obey the law
when you finally get sick of all the cop killing and the missions, and actually try to do something right, it never goes right, (well not for me) I cant resist breaking the law in that game cause its so fun wasting helicopters!
Gone in to a city you haven't unlocked
Isn't it sad how you instantly get on 4 stars for this? In GTA san Andrea's I was battling helicopters with a pistol and a jet pack, but i can't help it and I still do it to this day, only cause I never do the missions and Neverbother to unlock other city's. Im such a cop killing hooker banging noob.
Went on rampage with a c*** gun
Am I the only one who did this, if not please tell me to make me feel better. alright losing my train of thoughts, When I kill my first pedestrian and the star comes up, I unload and i don't care who i shoot and what shoot with, i just kill until i can't find anyone to kill, but luckily that never happens :P
Tried to sneak in the airport with your guns
I have seen many controllers smashed cause of this, i saw my friends take it out on pedestrians, security guards and cars. (I actually like smashing the cars) I hate the GTA airports...
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