I'm having a rough time spending the chunk of change with a 2nd controller and the games that I want for this, along with the console.
This is for more personal reasons than others, most of which don't apply to other people, like specialized financial priorities.
From someone who doesn't own a PS3, I may be able to shed a different light on the subject, contrary to a purchase influencing consensus that you may gather here.
This system kicks ass. It's a great console with some truly unbelievable titles coming up (namely the new Castlevania and Gran Turismo 5) although I don't know if Castlevania is multi-plat. It may be. Just like the reasons given above, it seems like a premium gaming console, if not the best one the market has to offer right now. Of course that is subjective to the user, but you may consider your other options.
If you don't purchase another game system, how far could the money go to something else that interests you?
If I were in your shoes, I would sell the 360 regardless of owning a PS3, from personal game library and quality experiences.I know three people who have had issues with theirs, although I don't know how well each were cared for, they all experienced some kind of system killing catastrophy. This has certainly kept me from purchasing one, along with my disliking of it's library. I will disclaim again that this is just from my personal experience. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I'm sure others have had great success and luck withtheir ownershipof the Xbox360system.
You may want to look into the consumer reports on cnet.com and a few other sites as you are here, to gather experiences, both good and bad. I wish I had done the same before purchasing my television that has the worst consumer support I have ever experienced.
Ifyou're keen on owning a gaming system, I would suggest looking into the newer releases and prior releases, both on your 360 and the PS3 to see which ones you can live without and which ones hold more ballast for purchasing.
If you do buy a new system of any kind, get a retailer's extended warranty. Most factory warranties suck and have even worse service, when you do happen to take advantage of a factory warranty.
Ultimately in your position, I would ask myself how far the money could go elsewhere, if I had no intention of letting the 360 go.
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