Well you can get them cheap off of Ebay. I got my Jabra BT125 for $12 brand new. BUT, you don't really need one to start off. It's not completely necessary unless you're in a commanding role, which won't happen right away. Still, I would get one when you can.
i have also got the jabraBT 125 and find it does a great job at a great price:P i have had MAG since launch and get a headset as soon as you can as its supposed to be a team based game
Alll of the Jabra's I had were horrible quality. The offical SONY one was amazing. Without a mic, you might as well not play MAG since once you get to a higher level people will start kicking you for not talking.
Yea. Def get a mic. It's a real drag when on the team when you can't communicate. Any mic will do if you are kinda tech savvy and can get it to work with the ps3. I have a plantronics from my cell phone and it works fine.
Please get a headset! You can go a few days without it, but this game is a communicating game. Without a mic, it won't be nearly as fun. Try and get the Official PS3 Headset. It's godly.
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