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i would rather developers take their time. I also dont see what every one is complaining about, they want every title to come out in november. at this point i have all my money for the month accounted for in games such as assassin's creed, uncharted, and haze up untill it got pushed back into december. be glad its a couple games each month rather than 20 games this month. anyway, thats my view on the situation. the ps3 is starting to rock now, and theres no stopping untill about summer 08, then a smill dry spell right before the holiday surge 08.
I'm really enjoying my PS3 I was a bit like you sick of the delays etc but two of my most anticipated games came out in the last 2 weeks and with the likes of Assassins Creed, Drakes Uncharted Fortune and Haze all imminent I think that there isn't really much room to complain at the moment.
Also moregames are due on the PSN.The PS3 has nice solid library and it will grow before the turn of the year.
The PS3 had a slow start that's all. Sorry dude I would've agreed with you a couple of months ago but not now!!
I'm really enjoying my PS3 I was a bit like you sick of the delays etc but two of my most anticipated games came out in the last 2 weeks and with the likes of Assassins Creed, Drakes Uncharted Fortune and Haze all imminent I think that there isn't really much room to complain at the moment.
Also moregames are due on the PSN.The PS3 has nice solid library and it will grow before the turn of the year.
The PS3 had a slow start that's all. Sorry dude I would've agreed with you a couple of months ago but not now!!
In the beginning all consoles had a slow start. why do people tend to forget that -.- .. anyways, i agree 100% with what you've said. If games like CoD4, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, etc, etc. can't keep you busy untill 2008. you've got alot of fire burning somewhere. :D
Patience is a virtue? I propose that Patience is a virtue should be SONY's motto for the PS3 as I'm getting a little tired of the constant delays all things PS3. Now I know that some games are not delayed and just released later on the PS3 but you know what, you still have to wait. What do you guys think?analog10As the saying goes, "A delay is just a couple months or weeks, a bad game is bad forever." ...or something like that.
I never really had overly hyped expectations of the PS3, thus I don't feel like I've been waiting for stuff! Now that everyone is talking about XMB it has sparked some interest but not frustration. Not all the features I want are there but the ones that are are nice. in regards to games, i've been playing my PS3 on a continual basis since Sigma came out over the summer. So, I'm not disappointd in the games either. Everything depends on personal perspective.
Currently playing: Warhawk, Everyday Shooter, R&C (all of them), & Resistance fall of man.
Awaiting this yr: Uncharted, Assassins Creed, Haze
No console or company is perfect, the same can be said with Microsoft and it's 360 and Nintendo and it's Wii.nemes1s3000
yeah they arnt perfect but still better than ps3 imo
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