its a dumb question i know, and if your here to say something dumb just leave please because im not going to take it. but for the people that are here to actually help me first off let me say thanks. anywayz what do you put for the date and time if you live in the U.S.A???? what do you put for date and time, date format, time format, time zone, and daylight savings???? please help me and just to let you guys know i live in connecticut. (IDK WHY I WROTE WHERE I LIVE)
well you would be us east coast in conn. daylight savings should be something like +3 next to it timem format i think if i remember is if you want it 12 or 24hr like reg or military style time not sure
its a dumb question i know, and if your here to say something dumb just leave please because im not going to take it. but for the people that are here to actually help me first off let me say thanks. anywayz what do you put for the date and time if you live in the U.S.A???? what do you put for date and time, date format, time format, time zone, and daylight savings???? please help me and just to let you guys know i live in connecticut. (IDK WHY I WROTE WHERE I LIVE)solidsnakechamp
Well date should be set at - 2/13/2007 You are in Eastern Time (GMT-05:00) The best date format is MM/DD/YYYY  (Month/Day/Year) Set the Time Format as '12 hour clock.' (This gives the time in AM and PM format Daylight Savings should be set to standard. Finally, time will be whatever time it is wherever you are. Just set it to whatever clock is nearby.
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