Would you prefer game publishers scrapping the multiplayer entirely for a longer enriching single player experience??
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they already scrapp multiplayer with those online passes , but not for the benefit of a longer singleplayer sadlyWould you prefer game publishers scrapping the multiplayer entirely for a longer enriching single player experience??
multiplayer is the rage nowadays. Even if you read game reviews, it's a minus if the game don't have a multiplayer. That's what I notice. Instead of scrapping mp, just make both equally fun. Like say MGS4/O imo.
Absolutely! 100% Hell Yes! if only they would forget the stupid multiplayer we could finnaly get back to seeing good games again. anyone who says otherwise is a loser who lives with his parants and has way too much time on his hands...Would you prefer game publishers scrapping the multiplayer entirely for a longer enriching single player experience??
What a silly question. No. We all love multiplayer. Especially when done correctly. arsenal1111NO. we definately do NOT.
I might not like it for every game... But still, it would be worth it mostly. Don't get rid of it completely though.
Depends on the game.
Certain games rely on mp. (like fps's, sports, racing) And even still I think those would be just fine with old school co-op and vs. While other games are much better off without it (infamous, batman aa, dmc, etc) then theres games that get watered down as a result of mp being added (ac, bioshock, dead space, etc) i really hate the latter. devs shoehorn in mp these days in order to plz the lemmings and stay hip. a game does not always need mp to be complete. we got along fine for decades without it.
As said before, it depends on the game. I played Bioshock 2 and didn't think the mp ruined it at all. Sure the mp wasn't really that good, but the sp was still pretty good. Most games I've played that have mp usually have a good sp for those who don't like mp. Granted, the mp may not be as good, but the sp is usually still solid. The games I've played with poor sp are usually just mediocre games that end up being coupled with mediocre mp. I don't like the mp beta for Uncharted 3, but I'm still going to get the game for the sp due to the 2nd game's sp. Really, I havn't seen mp ruin a sp experience, it just may not be as good as the sp, but that's not that big a problem since there are a lot of good mp games.
I think it's funny how people blame mp on a sp not being as good. For example, Killzone 2's sp had a pretty horrible cast of characters and story, but it would have been that way with or without mp (which I didn't like the mp that much for it since everyone abused rocket/grenade launchers more than on COD).
So no, don't scrap the mp. The sp of most games is usually pretty solid, and it's usually the mp that is broken more than the sp is. If the mp is done right then it's a nice bonus.
Obviously. In most games, multiplayer is tacked on and unnecessary. I never even bother with multiplayer, I try it after I've completed the single player but rarely go back to it.
if only they would forget the stupid multiplayer we could finnaly get back to seeing good games again. anyone who says otherwise is a loser who lives with his parants and has way too much time on his hands...Not everyone who likes multiplayer lives with there parents and some of us don't have much time on our hands because some of us actually work for a living. I don't care much for multiplayer but it's nice to see it added in I believe both developers can work on a single player mode and multiplayer. Some multiplayer games like Uncharted are fun and CO-OP games like Saints Row. If anyone is looking for a good single player game though Alice Madness Returns is a great game now that's one game that didn't need multiplayer. Believe it or not there is some good single player games out there and if anyone can't find them your not looking hard enough.ShangTsung17
i agree. as i dont care much for MP. my opinion has always been make one or the other. ether a SP game or a MP game dont devide your resources between them. but thats just me.Would you prefer game publishers scrapping the multiplayer entirely for a longer enriching single player experience??
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