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hey im considering on buying a ps3 for myself next week when i FINALLY have the money to fork down for it. But i am still on the fence for it cause i do have an xbox360 but, i am somewhat of a playstation fanboy since the orginal ps1 was MY very first system and not my older brothers. anyways, i just want top3 reasons why i should just "play beyond" and go ahead and get one. thanks for the help!rene55
only reason is the EE chip on the 60GB. But if you don't mind, wait then till you are ready.
1. You know its gonna win system wars cause its Sony and its the most powerful machine
2. Blu Ray is the best
3. Games that will be so awesome that are exclusives Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Final Fantasy 13 and 13 versus, Kingdom hearts, God of War, and its also getting cool games like Resident Evil 5, Madden.
4. The controller is black and cool six axis is nice but im sure they'll soon listen to the people and get rumble in there
5. Online is free and i never ever had lag in my life.
6. I use it for parties bust up the music on it with the tv volume all the way up.
7.You can download all your music from ipod
8. Surf the net watch youtube and look at your myspace
9. Its just gonna get better, the graphics are getting better and sweeter
10. It just got a price cut
right now (this year ? )
1. Currently - Resistance , Motorstorm , NGS , and PSN games.
2. Coming soon - Warhawk , Lair , Heavenly Sword , Folklore , HS Golf 5 , Ratchet and Clank , Uncharted , Socom , LBP beta , Home , Haze , UT 3 , EveryDay Shooter , other PSN games.
3. It knocks out the fat.
1. You know its gonna win system wars cause its Sony and its the most powerful machine
Yeah, that REALLY helped the Dreamcast...
But the game lineup is amazing, and the console will last for a long time without need to buy another one. Blu Ray > HD DVD, and you may as well get the 60GB while it's cheaper. Also check out PSN.
Here are 3 reasons to buy a PS3:
1. You can afford it
2. You don't have a misses to break your balls when you've played through breakfast, lunch and tea.
3. You have plenty of mates to show it off to =)
1. Great value at $500 with Blu Ray and HD gaming
2. Amazing 07 lineup: Ratchet, Uncharted, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk
3. First half of 08 best line up ever: MGS4, Killzone 2, littleBigPlanet, GT5 online
2.great games in less than 2 months
3. amazingly loaded with features
4.blu-ray is 40x better than dvd and holds more..
1)ng:s, motorstorm, r:fom, and vf5(which is an exclusive as of NOW). plus the ps3 version of oblivion is better
2)free online
3)completes your HD entertainment center. you get blu-ray, 1080p games, upscales your ps2 favorites, and plays all hd audio formats.
there ya go. now get out there and buy a ps3.
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