Eh, I'll throw my 2 cents into this. I don't really have high hopes for Timesplitters 4 because with the last two I never knew they released, picked them up, played and enjoyed them. They are enjoyable for their cartoonish charm, with a twist. I loved being the cyborg chimp, building a small area for myself to spawn in, then have what seemed to be umlimited Brainz chimps spawn at the other end and having myself try to survive.
For the exclusive argument... people need to start looking at facts. The first Grand Theft Auto was released on both the PC and Playstation platforms, it is, and never was exclusive to the Playstation brand. The same holds true for Final Fantasy, as it was originally for the Famicon and NES. Exclusives for Sony would be titles like Ratchet and Clank, which only appear on Sony consoles. If games are mutliplatform, and well developed, then great. People on both ends got to enjoy GTA:IV rather than one side receiving it and the other contemplating when/if it would be ported. All consoles will do quite well if developers continue to strive for perfection in their work. Remember: in a monogamous relationship, the pair are exclusive to each other until they seperate. Gears of War was exclusive on the Xbox 360 until it was brought to the PC, so it is exclusive to Microsoft, and no longer just the 360. Some games are meant to stay Microsoft/Nintendo/Sony exclusive as they are flagships for the system. Microsoft has Halo, Nintendo has the much exhausted, yet still retains a charm Mario, and Sony has Ratchet and Clank (sorry I can't think of anything else at the time that has solely been a Sony brand; Metal Gear & MG2 were on NES, MGS:Twin Snakes was on GC etc. yet MGS4 will stay on the PS3.) Begin the Battle Royal.
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