So I'm doing that trade in your PS3 to Gamestop for $150 towards a slim. It also has a $20.00 bonus because its a console. It's my refurbished 60 gig, think I'm stupid for trading in the best model? Well it YLoD's every once in a while. I just deactivated it and reformatted it (waited 4 hours, no YLoD.). When they test it, do you think I have a good chance of succeeding? I can't get introuble because you never know when your PS3 is gonna die, so its not your fault, and afterwards the lucky kid who buys my PS3 will walk into a YLoD trap, but like above, I can't be blamed. My PS3 is about to lose it though, it YLoD frequently, then ends up working. If anyone can tell me how exactly they test it, if its just on to see if it powers or if they screw around. Thanks.
That's a recent video after installing the 3.00 firmware. The controllers start going haywire or not responding, then ends up Yellow lighting, then ends up working again. It's honestly weird. I got the video because I predicted it too.
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