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What's the point anyways?
Usually the people that have no lives at all make a big stink about them. Like it represents "who they are" or something. Even some Gamespot staff used to gloat about it. Pretty pathetic I say..
I guess cause you get older you see how pointless it really is. I used to care about scores when I was a kid and I'd compete with my friends. But now I just play to have fun or relax a bit. I can see it working for kids I guess. It's when adults or young adults make a big deal about it makes me laugh.
I had alot of fun trying to fill the challanges in COD4!!!!
With trophies,, if they give you challanges to complete in order to get them. I feel it is great when a game starts to get boring.
If you get a specific trophy for completing a hard challenge, points may transfer over into PSN dollars for purchases.
I think everyone would try and fill all challanges if there was some compensation and an option to buy things on the psn.
For example if you got the skill then you derserve a free add on, map pack what ever.
Im sure everyone will love this,,,,I try and get all my friends to purchase PS3 games over the 360 and they always go with the 360 because of the online and achievements...... When I finish my game it over, when they finish it, they are fun cahllanged that make the game last longer.
trust me,, people who are against it either think it is soley for bragging rights which it is far from or bash it because they dont have it.
When it comes out im sure 90% of the video game community will enjoy it
I dot to admit, I love to win medals in Warhawk :) But it's not a HUMONGOUS DEAL!Sure it's an incentive to keep you playing and it's nice to have something to "prove" that you are a good player, but as I said not that of a deal.
I have a policy : Please everyone. Don't like achievements/Trophies, then don't win them. Like achievements/Trophies, then go get them!
I'd say it depends on how they're implemented. I've had gaming experiences on XBox Live where achievements have been fun and added some extra depth to a gaming experience, but there are also times when achievements can really ruin a something that would otherwise be a lot of fun.
As a generalization, I find that the single player achievements are usually fine. They're occassionally ridiculously hard, but a challenge is something that we all enjoy. If we didn't, we probably wouldn't be playing. Where it can get ridiculous is in multiplayer where the object can drift from a team experience of accomplishing certain goals as a collective to a more individualistic thing where players are out to pad their gamer score or trophy wall or whatever the case may be.
Bragging rights are fine and I'm sure that most of us will agree that occassionally (or frequently) getting your tail handed to you in the virtual world isn't going to bruise our ego's too badly. But when the way the game is played changes for selfish reasons because of a loosely related reward system, I'm far less of a fan of it.
When done properly, trophies (or achievements) can add a bit of replay value if the objective required to obtain the trophy is fun or interesting.
If they are done in a way that makes you do something that you ordinarily wouldn't have thought of doing, or exploring new ways to play the game, then great. But if it's just "play 1,000 matches" or something equally stupid, then I say blah.
Truthfully, trophies, or any form of achievements, entitlements, or whatever, don't mean much to me. I don't care if they are there or not. Again, my care for them depends solely on how they are used, and what goes into obtaining them.
Either way, I wouldn't be crushed if we didn't have them, nor would I be happy if they came. I'm just in the "whatever" category.
When done properly, trophies (or achievements) can add a bit of replay value if the objective required to obtain the trophy is fun or interesting.
If they are done in a way that makes you do something that you ordinarily wouldn't have thought of doing, or exploring new ways to play the game, then great. But if it's just "play 1,000 matches" or something equally stupid, then I say blah.
Truthfully, trophies, or any form of achievements, entitlements, or whatever, don't mean much to me. I don't care if they are there or not. Again, my care for them depends solely on how they are used, and what goes into obtaining them.
Either way, I wouldn't be crushed if we didn't have them, nor would I be happy if they came. I'm just in the "whatever" category.
That sums it up
How many people here have experinced the achievement system??????
im sure the ones against it have not,, becasue it is a big part of the gaming world and is very popular. It adds another world to ever game. We are missing out BIG TIME.
without them after experiecing them, you would feel you are getting jipped out on your PS3 games. Its very fun all around and adds alot to the game
Especially when you can use them to purchase content!!!
Since so many people on here cant get their hands on a credit card or are afarid to use 1 online,,you guys would be workin your littile digits out completing those challanges
How many people here have experinced the achievement system??????
im sure the ones against it have not,, becasue it is a big part of the gaming world and is very popular. It adds another world to ever game. We are missing out BIG TIME.
without them after experiecing them, you would feel you are getting jipped out on your PS3 games. Its very fun all around and adds alot to the gameTJSAGE
I have lots of experience with the achievement point system. I have over 30,000 points (check my profile for my gamercard), but honestly, they didn't add much to my gaming experience. You might be wondering why I have a lot of points if I don't care for achievements, and the answer is simply because I play lots of games, not because I care about the achievements.
As my previous post said, they can be cool if used properly. They can add a bit of replay value, but they are not an important part of my gaming experience, and I don't feel like I miss out if I don't have them.
Maybe they are very popular, and that's cool. If people feel they add to the game, then great, all the more power to them.
For me, they are not a big deal, and I really don't care if trophies, entitlements, achievements, or whatever, ever come to the PS3.
I got a bunch of tem already. Tucked away in the basement. State finals basketball Like 85. Lost one game,, the last one :( hundreds of motocross ones. And a few kart racing ones. Bowling lol, Yea even a 300 ring. I still leave that out. And a few various BMX and baseball and others. But for a game? Maybe if it was from like a real gaming conference face to face thing. Or MLG stuff, I would want one. But for farting around in a game. thats meaningless to me.
Like the first guy said. The percentage of them are for stupid stuff. And theyll make you buy really stupid games just to get that trophy. Heck youll buy "Do me Barbie make up" just to get that extra trophy. Meaning they can sell some really average games. And make them feel special, ohh so special lol
I had alot of fun trying to fill the challanges in COD4!!!!
With trophies,, if they give you challanges to complete in order to get them. I feel it is great when a game starts to get boring.
If you get a specific trophy for completing a hard challenge, points may transfer over into PSN dollars for purchases.
I think everyone would try and fill all challanges if there was some compensation and an option to buy things on the psn.
For example if you got the skill then you derserve a free add on, map pack what ever.
Im sure everyone will love this,,,,I try and get all my friends to purchase PS3 games over the 360 and they always go with the 360 because of the online and achievements...... When I finish my game it over, when they finish it, they are fun cahllanged that make the game last longer.
trust me,, people who are against it either think it is soley for bragging rights which it is far from or bash it because they dont have it.
When it comes out im sure 90% of the video game community will enjoy it
Did you read what "Denji" sayd?
im sure 99.96574968% that WE DONT NEED THE TRHOPHY'S
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