Is anyone else having problems with their rank? It keeps promoting me when I have not even earned the required points for the next rank. I have about 750 points and somehow I am a Wingman which requires 5000 points. This might sound good to some but I would prefer to rise through the ranks on my own. Also when I am in a game my rank at the bottom changes randomly. Some games it will have a Wingman's rank and others it will go to Airman First Class which is what its supposed to be. If this is a problem others are having hopefully it will be fixed in a patch.
One other thing. I can't seem to get my headset to work. I thought that the idea was for you to be able to hear your teamates talking through the headset instead of the tv speakers. I can't hear anything through the headset nor do I seem to be heard by anyone else (yes I am pressing L3). I have tried it with the headset flashing blue and holding it down until it is solid blue and it doesnt seem to work either way. The volume is turned up and the headset is sychned with the PS3. Any ideas?
I posted both questions in the stickied Warhawk thread but didn't get a response.
Thanks guys.
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