We all know of Ubisoft and their lazy ports to the PS3. Well check this out.
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Wow, now developers are getting involved in this system war...it's pretty sad. The_Gunslinger_Yep!!! Ubisoft is really starting to show their biasness toward Sony. I understand at the present moment that the ps3 is hard to work with, but if devs like konami, bethesda, capcom, team ninja and a few more I can't think of right now...can over come some of the tech hurdles of the ps3, there really is no excuse for ubisoft to say something like that. Even the President from Rockstar said that both consoles had tech issues.
We all know of Ubisoft and their lazy ports to the PS3. Well check this out.
It's just capital BS! pretty much everyone knows the potential of the ps3. Looks like ubisoft dnt wanna pay for a cell programmer e.t.c. But it's fine because everyone is seeing through their fascade. Ubisoft being pompous! I give tom clancy ( aka Tom Mclaney as some one put in on the boards some time ago) credit for what Ubisoft is right now. It looks like they lack expertise on gaming in general. I hope they're keeping tom in an oxygen chamber so he stays alive. Else, Ubi is going down in flames
Urgh.. hardly.
It was always going to be exclusive to Xbox as a thinakyou for starting the series on such a high ¬_¬
Assassins creed looks fine on both the ps3 and 360...and its developed by UBISOFT :D
We know that how? all thats bin shown is 360 videos and screens
I do not take this article seriously even for a second. First point I would like to make is that its on a 360 webpage so the information said there will be more bias towards the 360 and that means the whole translation could be swayed in their direction. Secod point is this is a translation, and very often things are translated wrong, and people can get away with this. So some people are able to doctor up the information being presented, because I highly doubt everyone knows the language that it was written in. Third point I would like to strongly emphasize is that it doesn't have a cite link from Ubisoft, instead it goes to digg, a link that errors and on top of that yahoo.
So in conclusion yes Ubisoft makes really crappy ports, but this article to me seems fake, also if something like that was truly said, PR would have to get in and repair the damage since they lost a chunk of their profits.
Well like I've been saying for a while now, I've decided to only by USED copies of any Ubisoft game that I'm interested in. I will not be investing my money into a company that clearly has very little interest in investing quality gaming for PS3 users like myself. I recommend PS3 users do the same. It's really that simple, you either take a stand and do something or shut your pie hole and keep taking up the blow hole from Ubisoft. We all have a choice and I choose to not give Ubisoft my hard earned money for sloppy "meh" work. chubear700
i agree man no ubisoft games on my ps3 unless i rent. Ill keep my 360 for that. But people with only PS3s need to show Ubi that they cant go around pushing crummy ports. R6Vegas and GRAW2 are coming up. Show them whats up.
At least Rockstar provided a reason why rather than just saying that it can't work and not explain why.TelcharXILOL...agreed!!!
At least Rockstar provided a reason why rather than just saying that it can't work and not explain why.TelcharXI
and said that they will conquer those issues, where as Ubi is running away from it.
Meh, I have a 360, so im not complaining. Are they saying its not possible with the PS3 hardware?
Nope, and if they did, they'd be the laughing stock of all game developers.
What it comes down to is willingness to spend on training their programmers to learn the architecture of the Playstation 3. They're probably not willing to do that. And down the road it'll bite them in the ass.
[QUOTE="black_awpN1"]Meh, I have a 360, so im not complaining. Are they saying its not possible with the PS3 hardware?
Nope, and if they did, they'd be the laughing stock of all game developers.
What it comes down to is willingness to spend on training their programmers to learn the architecture of the Playstation 3. They're probably not willing to do that. And down the road it'll bite them in the ass.
But you have to admit developing for the PS3 in probaly a major pain in the ass because no one knows who to develop for the Cell processor, it is indeed a tough nut to crack, but oh how sweet it will taste once they do.:)
[QUOTE="ex-paranoia"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]Meh, I have a 360, so im not complaining. Are they saying its not possible with the PS3 hardware?
Nope, and if they did, they'd be the laughing stock of all game developers.
What it comes down to is willingness to spend on training their programmers to learn the architecture of the Playstation 3. They're probably not willing to do that. And down the road it'll bite them in the ass.
But you have to admit developing for the PS3 in probaly a major pain in the ass because no one knows who to develop for the Cell processor, it is indeed a tough nut to crack, but oh how sweet it will taste once they do.:)
It's not specifically coding for the CELL processor itself. Programmers are lazy at the core (it's what we were told in our first programming clas.s ;) ) so, having to program each SPE individually since they are not automatically told what to do by the main CPU SPE can be rather challenging. But the amount of flexibility and power that gives you is huge. It's a pain because it takes a bit more time, but I think the smart devs realize that, and they are spending money and time learning it. The next Splinter Cell is going to be something thrown out on the market very quick and will most likely be a disapointment. Devs for the Playstation 3 games are taking their time, "trying" to learn the new architecture. The first games may not be great, but they are 1st generation. What that'll give us, is an impression of what is to come with 2nd generation and future games potentially exploiting the full potential of CELL and 7 SPEs.
[QUOTE="black_awpN1"][QUOTE="ex-paranoia"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]Meh, I have a 360, so im not complaining. Are they saying its not possible with the PS3 hardware?
Nope, and if they did, they'd be the laughing stock of all game developers.
What it comes down to is willingness to spend on training their programmers to learn the architecture of the Playstation 3. They're probably not willing to do that. And down the road it'll bite them in the ass.
But you have to admit developing for the PS3 in probaly a major pain in the ass because no one knows who to develop for the Cell processor, it is indeed a tough nut to crack, but oh how sweet it will taste once they do.:)
It's not specifically coding for the CELL processor itself. Programmers are lazy at the core (it's what we were told in our first programming clas.s ;) ) so, having to program each SPE individually since they are not automatically told what to do by the main CPU SPE can be rather challenging. But the amount of flexibility and power that gives you is huge. It's a pain because it takes a bit more time, but I think the smart devs realize that, and they are spending money and time learning it. The next Splinter Cell is going to be something thrown out on the market very quick and will most likely be a disapointment. Devs for the Playstation 3 games are taking their time, "trying" to learn the new architecture. The first games may not be great, but they are 1st generation. What that'll give us, is an impression of what is to come with 2nd generation and future games potentially exploiting the full potential of CELL and 7 SPEs.
I also look at it like this: the 360 did not have a Game to fully take advantage of its muscle (cept oblivion) untill Nov. when Gears of war came out. So ill give the PS3 till the holidays (christamas) before ill make any judgement calls. By then well have Killzone 2, MGS4, Heavenly Sword, and Lair.
Blame Sony for not providing developers tools to assist with development. MS, by ALL accounts, is very helpful to their developers.MikeinSC2
I won't.
But I'll tell you what I can do instead.
I can blame you for trolling. And point you towards System Wars for the 100th time.
[QUOTE="MikeinSC2"]Blame Sony for not providing developers tools to assist with development. MS, by ALL accounts, is very helpful to their developers.rothman713
I won't.
But I'll tell you what I can do instead.
I can blame you for trolling. And point you towards System Wars for the 100th time.
bazzing. :)
[QUOTE="black_awpN1"]Meh, I have a 360, so im not complaining. Are they saying its not possible with the PS3 hardware?
Nope, and if they did, they'd be the laughing stock of all game developers.
What it comes down to is willingness to spend on training their programmers to learn the architecture of the Playstation 3. They're probably not willing to do that. And down the road it'll bite them in the ass.
Mahmoud Afiouni, an xbox 360 author, writes a story about a Fin magazine that "translates" what the original article intended...basically Mahmoud is spinning the title...Here, check this out...
" Some pretty negative comments about the PS3 made by the devs. They state the fact that they are exclusive to the 360 allows them to do much more than if they were multi-platform, but they also state they doubt they would be able to achieve what they're doing with the game on the 360 on the ps3 even if it was ps3 exclusive."
Now, lets take apart each sentence....The first part where he talked about "exclusives" being more fine tuned for a particular platform, thus getting inherently better performance than if it was made multi-platform. Well, DUH! This is the same type of articles we can find about the game being developed for the 7 SPUs on the Cell.
And the second part about "they doubt they would be able to achieve what they're doing with the game on the 360 on the ps3 even if it was ps3 exclusive."
Ok, what are you trying to "achieve?" Hmmm. So, what you are saying is that the 360 Splinter Cell will look better than Resistance or Oblivion on the PS3? Hmmmm? No wait everyone! SC for the 360 will look better than Gears of WARRRRRR! OMFG!!!! What balls these guys have!!!!!LOL! Or could it be that you just don't have the developers that KNOW HOW to programe for the Cell/RSX???? Hmmm? Lol!!
I hope this article gets digg'ed. That way we can bash the developers into the ground and drag them through the ringer! Bad Ubisoft! Bad!!!
[QUOTE="rothman713"][QUOTE="MikeinSC2"]Blame Sony for not providing developers tools to assist with development. MS, by ALL accounts, is very helpful to their developers.MikeinSC2
I won't.
But I'll tell you what I can do instead.
I can blame you for trolling. And point you towards System Wars for the 100th time.
When you have no point to make, you write posts just like this.
What I said is completely correct. Sony is dropping the ball with their 3rd party developers which is WHY the 3rd party games don't tend to be as solid as the 360 offerings. Sony doesn't HELP them at all, which a platform manufacturer SHOULD do as it can only help their platform and their bottom line.
If you really think these devs are "lazy", you are delusional.
Whether what you say is correct or not, it doesn't belong here. That's called system comparison.
[QUOTE="MikeinSC2"][QUOTE="rothman713"][QUOTE="MikeinSC2"]Blame Sony for not providing developers tools to assist with development. MS, by ALL accounts, is very helpful to their developers.rothman713
I won't.
But I'll tell you what I can do instead.
I can blame you for trolling. And point you towards System Wars for the 100th time.
When you have no point to make, you write posts just like this.
What I said is completely correct. Sony is dropping the ball with their 3rd party developers which is WHY the 3rd party games don't tend to be as solid as the 360 offerings. Sony doesn't HELP them at all, which a platform manufacturer SHOULD do as it can only help their platform and their bottom line.
If you really think these devs are "lazy", you are delusional.
Whether what you say is correct or not, it doesn't belong here. That's called system comparison.
Seeing as how the topic is how Ubisoft is all kinds of bad because they are not porting all games to the PS3, the reason WHY they are not is actually quite important and some facts in the usual overreaction threads here are brutally needed.
[QUOTE="rothman713"][QUOTE="MikeinSC2"][QUOTE="rothman713"][QUOTE="MikeinSC2"]Blame Sony for not providing developers tools to assist with development. MS, by ALL accounts, is very helpful to their developers.MikeinSC2
I won't.
But I'll tell you what I can do instead.
I can blame you for trolling. And point you towards System Wars for the 100th time.
When you have no point to make, you write posts just like this.
What I said is completely correct. Sony is dropping the ball with their 3rd party developers which is WHY the 3rd party games don't tend to be as solid as the 360 offerings. Sony doesn't HELP them at all, which a platform manufacturer SHOULD do as it can only help their platform and their bottom line.
If you really think these devs are "lazy", you are delusional.
Whether what you say is correct or not, it doesn't belong here. That's called system comparison.
Seeing as how the topic is how Ubisoft is all kinds of bad because they are not porting all games to the PS3, the reason WHY they are not is actually quite important and some facts in the usual overreaction threads here are brutally needed
You do more than that however.
You provide reasons, a little bashing of the PS3, and a liberal dose of comparison to the other console.
That is a System Wars style post. And what we consider trolling.
[QUOTE="MikeinSC2"]Blame Sony for not providing developers tools to assist with development. MS, by ALL accounts, is very helpful to their developers.rothman713
I won't.
But I'll tell you what I can do instead.
I can blame you for trolling. And point you towards System Wars for the 100th time.
Riggggght, yet sony and IBM are offering developers free classes on programming for the cell?
I've said it before and I'll say it again...Ubisoft is too busy suckin MS d**k to care for Sony. It's too bad too, cuz these guys can do amazing graphics. Well, except for PS3 ports of course. They say that it cant be done on a PS3 because they cant do it for a PS3...lack of talent, knowledge and dedication. They are MS's little b!tch.
I know Sony's dev kits arent that good right now, but the PS3 has only been out for what, ~5 months? If Ubisoft took the time to learn how to code for the PS3 I'm sure it could be done. Maybe not the same exact way as it's done for the 360 due to the different architecture, but an equal end result nonetheless. Thus far the only real limitation I've seen is how to do GTA IV for the core 360 without an HDD. Make up a better excuse for your lack of support Ubisoft.
When you have no point to make, you write posts just like this.
What I said is completely correct. Sony is dropping the ball with their 3rd party developers which is WHY the 3rd party games don't tend to be as solid as the 360 offerings. Sony doesn't HELP them at all, which a platform manufacturer SHOULD do as it can only help their platform and their bottom line.
If you really think these devs are "lazy", you are delusional.
I really can't belive you are defending UBISOFT. They are nothing but a software clearing house, just like EA. By the way did you miss the Edge announment back in March?
Sony doesn't HELP them at all
I've said it before and I'll say it again...Ubisoft is too busy suckin MS d**k to care for Sony. It's too bad too, cuz these guys can do amazing graphics. Well, except for PS3 ports of course. They say that it cant be done on a PS3 because they cant do it for a PS3...lack of talent, knowledge and dedication. They are MS's little b!tch.
I know Sony's dev kits arent that good right now, but the PS3 has only been out for what, ~5 months? If Ubisoft took the time to learn how to code for the PS3 I'm sure it could be done. Maybe not the same exact way as it's done for the 360 due to the different architecture, but an equal end result nonetheless. Thus far the only real limitation I've seen is how to do GTA IV for the core 360 without an HDD. Make up a better excuse for your lack of support Ubisoft.
None of this will matter because any 3rd party dev that doesn't have the talent to learn the cell, and choose to just make games for the 360 will actually be hurting themselves in the long run by ISOLATING THEMSELVES to just ONE platform. It's financial suicide!!!!
Because what will happen is as time goes on there will be oportunistic developers that see that there is potential in the PS3 if they learn the tools and make $$$$$ if they do it right. And guess who will lose out on that lost opportuntiy? Ubisoft or any other develoepr that didn't take advantage of the situation. Oh, well. Good bye Ubisoft!
[QUOTE="YourDaddy88"]I've said it before and I'll say it again...Ubisoft is too busy suckin MS d**k to care for Sony. It's too bad too, cuz these guys can do amazing graphics. Well, except for PS3 ports of course. They say that it cant be done on a PS3 because they cant do it for a PS3...lack of talent, knowledge and dedication. They are MS's little b!tch.
I know Sony's dev kits arent that good right now, but the PS3 has only been out for what, ~5 months? If Ubisoft took the time to learn how to code for the PS3 I'm sure it could be done. Maybe not the same exact way as it's done for the 360 due to the different architecture, but an equal end result nonetheless. Thus far the only real limitation I've seen is how to do GTA IV for the core 360 without an HDD. Make up a better excuse for your lack of support Ubisoft.
None of this will matter because any 3rd party dev that doesn't have the talent to learn the cell, and choose to just make games for the 360 will actually be hurting themselves in the long run by ISOLATING THEMSELVES to just ONE platform. It's financial suicide!!!!
Because what will happen is as time goes on there will be oportunistic developers that see that there is potential in the PS3 if they learn the tools and make $$$$$ if they do it right. And guess who will loose out on that lost opportuntiy? Ubisoft or any other develoepr that didn't take advantage of the situation. Oh, well. Good bye Ubisoft!
That doesn't make sense. That's the reason people get fired and people get hired. It will not be difficult, especially in the future, for any 3rd party team to acquire cell devs. plus how's sticking to one sytem finacial suicide? must i list all of the 3rd party exclusives for the PS2? There are 3rd party devs who perfer to stick to one group, or put in all their eggs in one basket so to speak, but if it's a quality product the figures have shown that those games make the most profit. (like FF for instance)
They'll be just fine if the stick to the 360.
None of this will matter because any 3rd party dev that doesn't have the talent to learn the cell, and choose to just make games for the 360 will actually be hurting themselves in the long run by ISOLATING THEMSELVES to just ONE platform. It's financial suicide!!!!Because what will happen is as time goes on there will be oportunistic developers that see that there is potential in the PS3 if they learn the tools and make $$$$$ if they do it right. And guess who will lose out on that lost opportuntiy? Ubisoft or any other develoepr that didn't take advantage of the situation. Oh, well. Good bye Ubisoft!
I'm just mad because I was looking forward to some great games from these guys, especially in the area of great graphics. But no way will I go out and buy crap (360) hardware for 1 dev's games...quality (PS3) all the way baby.
[QUOTE="gizmo_logix"][QUOTE="YourDaddy88"]I've said it before and I'll say it again...Ubisoft is too busy suckin MS d**k to care for Sony. It's too bad too, cuz these guys can do amazing graphics. Well, except for PS3 ports of course. They say that it cant be done on a PS3 because they cant do it for a PS3...lack of talent, knowledge and dedication. They are MS's little b!tch.
I know Sony's dev kits arent that good right now, but the PS3 has only been out for what, ~5 months? If Ubisoft took the time to learn how to code for the PS3 I'm sure it could be done. Maybe not the same exact way as it's done for the 360 due to the different architecture, but an equal end result nonetheless. Thus far the only real limitation I've seen is how to do GTA IV for the core 360 without an HDD. Make up a better excuse for your lack of support Ubisoft.
None of this will matter because any 3rd party dev that doesn't have the talent to learn the cell, and choose to just make games for the 360 will actually be hurting themselves in the long run by ISOLATING THEMSELVES to just ONE platform. It's financial suicide!!!!
Because what will happen is as time goes on there will be oportunistic developers that see that there is potential in the PS3 if they learn the tools and make $$$$$ if they do it right. And guess who will loose out on that lost opportuntiy? Ubisoft or any other develoepr that didn't take advantage of the situation. Oh, well. Good bye Ubisoft!
That doesn't make sense. That's the reason people get fired and people get hired. It will not be difficult, especially in the future, for any 3rd party team to acquire cell devs. plus how's sticking to one sytem finacial suicide? must i list all of the 3rd party exclusives for the PS2? There are 3rd party devs who perfer to stick to one group, or put in all their eggs in one basket so to speak, but if it's a quality product the figures have shown that those games make the most profit. (like FF for instance)
They'll be just fine if the stick to the 360.
What I'm saying is that sticking to one system will NOT be the norm compared to other eras. Even Sony knows this and M$ is just realizing it. M$ thnks they can just bribe 3rd party devs? That's only short term. Reason? Gamers like Sony because they ARE SONY! You can't just replicate that just by making *another* console. Hell, even the 360 is getting known as the freezebox360. M$ is a software company. But how can they stay a software company, make a console, if they have to get into the business of making hardware?
Sony is good at what they do. And the 3rd party devs know this. It's early. Lot of people like to bash Sony now. But this is a long term plan.
Exclusives are waning now only because the 360 has a headstart.
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