Does anyone know if im able to buy a PSN card in the uk and us it on an american account as there are so many classics that i wish to buy such as
- Castlevania: SotN
- Castlevania: Chronicles
- Crash Bandicot 2
- Dino Crisis
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Medal Of Honor
- Medal Of Honor: underground
- R-Type Delta
- R-Types
- Oddworld: Abes exoddus
- Oddworld: Abes Oddysee
- Rayman 2
- Resident Evil
- Resident Evil 2
- Resident Evil 3
- Silent Hill
- Spyro the dragon
- Spyro 2
- Spyro Year of the Dragon
- Tekken 2
- Syphon Filter 2
- Tomb Raider
- Tomb Raider 2
- Tomb Raider 3
- Tomb Raider: The last Revelation
So as you all can see theres alot i wish to be downloading soon so any help if you know this works will be helpful
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