This is just an wild gues, but i think i know the plot for uncharted 2 among thieves. This is just an theory but im 90% sure that this is whats gonna happen in the next adventure of Nathan Drake.
So Nate is on the trail of the famous Marco polo. To be more spesific his journey from Kublai Khans kingdom to Veneze. Marco had 14boats and 600 men onboard these boats. Only 14 men survived, and what happend is still a mystery and here is where Nate' coming. In Uncharted 1 his goal were the lost treasures of el dorado this time the adventure will be much harder, and Nate said in the trailer i should have given up when i were at the top.
So heres my theory: At the second trailer of uncharted 2, nate's inbig trouble, it seemse like his train crashed or something, but how could this have happend so far up the mountains? maybe a train crash? or maybe something magical, something like DRAGONS! Just think about it uncharted 1 had zombie's and of course uncharted 2 will have something unrealistic, such as DRAGONS! A while ago i saw a marco polo film, he was apperently attacked by dragons, no one belived him, could this be the case for uncharted 2? How could 13 boats and 600 men just disepear like that? Dragons, dragons, dragons, im 99% sure that uncharted 2 contains dragons, and i love it!
Sorry for my broken english, its not my native language.
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