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But pinning so much on one title pretty much guarantees a letdown, doesn't it? Can Naughty Dog live up to more than a year of mouthwatering coverage and placate fans who forked over $600 to see stellar title after stellar title come out on non-PS3 platforms?
Yes. Yes, it can. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is the most fun I've had in a videogame this year.
IGN review
Kudos to Naughty Dog
[QUOTE="aznfool07"]8.0 confirmed for GS lol.lhbchen
hate to agree with this, but probably true.
compare IGNs review of AC to Gamespots.i knew i was gonna luv the game and the demo was better then i even expected, that said while i appreciate spreading the word about the game i couldn't care less about what ign has to say (no offense to the TC at all) or any review site, there is a demo out there and its free there is no need to even support these review sites.
they make money off hits, and they are just in my opinion rushing reviews to boost hits, i don't think they gave any game including uncharted much attention and just rushed through it. anyways i think the games great and naughty dogs one of the best devs out there and i really don't think we need ign to tell us that lol. i luv this game but i really don't like ign so im torn on the review lol guess every once in a while they accidentally get it right
also whats up with them spoiling every damn story in their reviews, thats very unprofessional in my opinion. i would suggest anyone interest in the game not read their review. i barely glanced at it and they gave away to much for my comfort. after praising it for its story why do they give so much away.
After reading IGN's review thoroughly, I believe with the magnifying glass GS has been using to pick on PS3 exclusive games' flaws, those minor issues mentioned in IGN's article(i.e. story not long enough, tech glitches, oh and this is the best part: No Online/Multiplayer, etc.) are doomed to be put into an amplifier and become an automatic 2pts deduction. Uncharted would receive 8.0 at best on GS.
"Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is the most fun I've had in a videogame this year."
That's all i care about.
After reading IGN's review thoroughly, I believe with the magnifying glass GS has been using to pick on PS3 exclusive games' flaws, those minor issues mentioned in IGN's article(i.e. story not long enough, tech glitches, oh and this is the best part: No Online/Multiplayer, etc.) are doomed to be put into an amplifier and become an automatic 2pts deduction. Uncharted would receive 8.0 at best on GS.
Probably so, but it would be even funny if it recieved a 7.0. Anyway, I played the demo of Uncharted and thought it was fun!
IGN gives Assasins Creed 7.5, 1up gives it 7.0 GS gives it 9.0. Anoch20
We must remember that these reviews are opinions of single individuals. I don't know too much about Hilary Goldstein, other than he reviews for the 360 which tells me that he favors FPSes.
As for 1up, Michael Donahoe wrote the review. All I can say is what a Jackas$! He spoils the "secret" in his review. I stopped reading it just in time but was I ever disappointed. The guy's a joke, who LOVES his wrestling games. Listen to his childish banter on EGM Live and you'll know what I mean. P.S. No offence to wrestling fans.
Wow I'm suprised to see this game reviewed so early before its release. I'm definitely gonna buy this one the day it comes out. I played the demo3 times over, and would've done it again, butI forced myself to save some for the release. Nathan Drake could very well be one of the coolest characters in a video game ever. He reminds me of a less goofy Ash from Evil Dead, just pure coolness.
I'll laugh when Gamespot gives Uncharted a 7.5. Gotta keep Mr. Gates happy!
[QUOTE="aznfool07"]8.0 confirmed for GS lol.lhbchen
hate to agree with this, but probably true.
I'm trying to have faith in GS. After the now-infamous R&C fiasco, I believe GS will be a bit more careful with the PS3's next huge title. Besides, look at Assassin's Creed's review here vs. IGN's.IGN gives Assasins Creed 7.5, 1up gives it 7.0 GS gives it 9.0. Anoch20
lol, those are the only two low reviews. all the other reviews in for here are as high or higher than gamespots. get over R&C please....the game isn't even AAA anymore....look at gamerankings.
[QUOTE="lhbchen"][QUOTE="aznfool07"]8.0 confirmed for GS lol.Blitz_Nemesis
hate to agree with this, but probably true.
compare IGNs review of AC to Gamespots. That's right. But also the ratchet and clank reviews. Every site has a few instances where that single reviewer just gives a game an average score because they didn't like it. Remember it isn't exactly a perfect review as different people do it each time. Best way to get around that is to check out a few sites and as long as a couple have really high reviews then chances are the game is worth getting. Assassin's got 10's and 9.5's all over the place, so maybe the IGN reviewer just didn't like that game. Truth is, only way to tell if you like a game is to play it, or play the demo. Although reviews can help, don't let them dictate your decision. I learnt this after being excited at Warhawk. 8.5 they say, I'd give it half that.Please Log In to post.
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